Chapter 20: Into the Forest +18

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By: eternityunicorn

Two and a half weeks went by swiftly, before Elijah and Eternity found themselves on a plane heading for Japan. In that time, they had made all the preparations for their upcoming wedding, including sending out invitations both locally and intergalactically, as well as asking Kaname to perform the wedding ceremony for them. Eternity had done the latter by popping over to her cousin's shrine via instant teleportation to speak on the matter in person. Then she popped back to the loft with the other woman's answer within a relatively short time.

As his lady had predicted, Kaname had wanted to meet him before the wedding. Whatever reasons she had for making such a request, Elijah sensed that it was for more than a standard first meeting with him. Eternity's cousin had also invited them to stay with her at her shrine, so that they could help her in finishing the preparations for their wedding day. It was an understandable request since prepping such a grand ceremony took a lot of work, even for immortals like them. Because of these reasons, they had agreed to come to Japan ahead of the actual wedding for Elijah to meet this elusive cousin and to put the final touches on their wedding.

Speaking of final touches, Elijah had met with his family at the Mikaelson compound as he had told Kol he would before they parted for Japan and told them of Eternity grand plan to turn those that were immortal into a different sort of one, one more akin to those amongst the stars. He also spoke of making the non-immortals into stronger versions of themselves, telling all of them that if they were to become tied to Eternity through his matrimony to her, then they all needed to be upgraded.

Rebekah told Elijah that his lady was absolutely mad for wanted to make their dysfunctional family even stronger, more invulnerable, for fear that some of their siblings would take the power and run with it.

In response, he told her of how Eternity's magic would rewrite the dark one that flowed through them, making the natural balance that gave them certain afflictions null and void, including the inability to procreate. He avoided her rather vocal concerns about the potential negative consequences to upgrading their siblings, particularly Kol and Niklaus. He chose not to try and concern himself with that, wanting to believe that his chaotic brothers had changed enough to not be totally irresponsible with Eternity's gift.

At the ability to procreate news, Elijah's baby sister had changed her tune and suddenly became all for the new versions of their family. As he predicted, Rebekah wept joyfully at the hope his lady's gift to them gave her. Kol and Davina were overjoyed by the prospect of having a family too, as were Finn and Sage, surprisingly.

It had been a beautiful moment, one that he would remember always.

"How are you feeling about becoming Mrs. Elijah Mikaelson?" Elijah asked Eternity as they climbed down from the private plane, having just arrived in Japan.

"I feel elated," she answered readily with a smile. "Though it will take some getting used to having a surname. It is not a common practice amongst the immortals. Not that I am opposed, of course. I look forward to being called Eternity Mikaelson from now on very much." She took his hand in hers and kissed the back of it, covering it afterwards with her other hand as they reached the waiting car Elijah had arranged for them to take to the Kirin Shrine, home of Kaname.

He smiled lovingly at her as he escorted her into the back of the car and then went around to the other side and gracefully climbed in to join her. The driver was already aware of where they were  going, having prepared the pickup ahead of time, and so, he didn't have to concern himself with anything but the woman beside him.

Elijah found he was restless in his excitement of the fact that in just a few more days they would be tying the knot, at last. He couldn't barely contain himself, an unusual phenomenon to be sure, since he was a master of control. However, he knew that after they said 'I do', Eternity would be his forever and nothing, not even death could tear them apart once that happened.

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