35• Help Me

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I move back to my seat, my face hot. Even though I was weary about finally establishing that Vanessa and I are more than friends, more than just a fling, I did it.

My heart is in fascinating knots.

She has no earthly idea of how difficult it was for me to admit my feelings to her. All the other feelings we discussed the other day don't compare to this.

This is serious stuff. Like, stuff I've never ventured into. Hearts and gushy stuff.

My nerves are singing with excitement and my lungs are tight with anticipation. I really wanted to kiss her lips then, but I wanted more to save it for later.

If we really are going to move forward with whatever we are, we might as well take it slow. Especially if she's a part of the team now. I wouldn't want her to get bored.

Right. It's only a matter of time 'till we're fucking kidnapped again.

My heart twists. I wish I could protect her from that shit. But I can't.

And she knows it. And she's still here, going on missions, risking it all.

My heart skips a beat.

I never imagined I'd meet someone who would do that. Who would stay after everything that has happened.

I close my eyes and lean my head back. I'm so fucking scared. I don't want her to leave. I don't want to hurt her. I just want her to stay, to be okay. Is that too much to ask?

"Hey." Amelia whispers.

I look over to my right, where she stands in the aisle. There's three rows of seats, and I sit in the middle row that rests in between two aisles. For her to get to me, she'd have to either go up to the front of the airplane and swoop around, or she'd have to...

Amelia pushes through the row of people. She bumps into them as she mutters, "Excuse me," and "I'm sorry." It's quite funny to watch this unfold, and I'm not sure if I should laugh or facepalm with embarrassment.

She climbs all the way over a few people's laps, including mine, until she is in the aisle next to me. She lets out an exhausted breath as she crouches beside me. "What a workout."

"Was that necessary?" I smile at her, wishing she would need our assistance on her missions more often.

She nods, deciding to turn back and smile at Vanessa instead of meeting my gaze. She giggles. "What just happened with you and Vanessa?"

I stare blankly at her. How on earth could she have known something just happened? She can't see us, for Christ's sake. "What do you mean?"

"I heard you guys talking." Her grin is maddening. "She's your girl now?"

How on earth could she hear that? Every time I see Amelia, she has gotten more crazy skills. "Yeah. She is."

"I heard her heart racing." Amelia nods. "I think you might've turned her on."

I roll my eyes at her. "I would expect one of the boys to say that, but not you." Then, it hits me. "Wait, you heard her heartbeat?"

With her chin held high she says, "You two better not be planning to do anything tonight. I'll hear everything."

My jaw is stuck as it hangs wide open. "You've got, like, superhero powers or something."

"Super senses." She corrects me as she places her hands on her hips. "But one thing I can't sense is details. Like, what size cup is she?"

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