God Arc: Chapter 2: Kyra Meets Goku

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The night stars above twinkled above the gods world this evening. The night was silent, no training, no commotion, or any of that. As the Smoke deity laid back popping strawberries into his mouth, a voice that cleared their throat behind him, obviously seemed his attention. "Having a fruity first there I see?" A familiar voice smasked. Kyra rose from his relaxing position to turn and see This and Beerus looking at him. "I guess you could say that. You guys spying?" Kyras asked. "Not at all. How are you enjoying your time here, Kyra?" Beerus asked. "You and Celeria are marvelous prodigies to work with." Whis added. Kyra smiled and nodded. "It's an honor to be here and I love it. I'm sure Celeria does as well." Beerus nodded and looked to his left and smirked. "We came to ask you.. How do you feel about meeting Goku? Or as to you, Kakarott.." Beerus asked. "We want you to train with him...spare with him as well. Him and Vegeta was the first two prodigys to come our way. It'll only make things interesting to see you two meet." Kyra looked at him with a raised brow. "..........sure. When do we meet?" Kyra said unsurely. This chuckled softly and gave the final words. "Well.. He's here now and he's overly excited to meet you."

With those words being said Goku was listening in on the conversation and darted from behind the tree and ran over to Kyra. "Hi! My name is Goku! I heard you we're realllllly strong. I hope we can fight.. Sir..? You're a God as well, right?" Goku said and smiled brightly. For a split second, Kyra zoned out, put took his words in slow motion and nodded. "I am a God... But no need to call me sir. Just call me Kyra. And I'm aware of who you are and absolutely.. We will definitely fight.. Saviour of universe 7 is what you are huh?" Kyra asked. Goku looked at Kyra and scratched the back of his head seeing Kyra didn't seem to siked and the title he gave him was odd. "Yeah? I guess you can call me that. A lot of my friends helped me in that tournament though. So we're all heroes. Why werent you there?" Goku asked. "If I knew you existed, we could've used your help." Kyra shook his head. "It wasn't my fight. Besides, if things got out of hand, the God realm would show up and make things right.. Hopefully. That's where I am from and reside for now." Kyra said. The deity stood up and examined Goku's structure to see he was well built. "Hey... So what are you, Kyra? I heard you we're a hybrid..? What exactly is that?" Kyra walked to the pond on beerus world and looked at his reflection in it as he talked. "A hybrid deity. Half God, half saiyan." He simply said. "Same as you, but my mother was a goddess. I inherited her God powers, although mine are genetically different from hers. Same with my daughter." He said. Goku nodded and smirked.

"Woooow. That's pretty cool. So you must be as strong as beerus and This." Goku said, looking around, making sure the pair of Gods weren't around to hear that; which they we're not. "Correct.. Although they have much much more experience than myself. I haven't fought beerus or whis so I'm not sure entirely, but I have heard about your fight with him." Goku immediately turned super saiyan, his voice becoming more stern and serious now. "Well.. I think there's one thing we must do, Kyra. A little one on one? We'll start easy and work our way up. How's that sound?" Goku said and Kyra smirked, liking the way this prodigy worded and thought. "Sounds like a plan. Your move..." Kyra's hair rushed around in the wind as it soon shot golden like Gokus as their auras bounced around. "Let's get started..."

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