God Arc: Chapter 7: Rise of The Universe

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The legendary trio plus an additional soul walked along the the deserted lands that would soon bring them to their headquarters where they got down to business. The one and only that no other in the universe has even laid eyes upon was walking beside Kyra. Crisis. Crisis was by far more superior than Kyra but only because he had lived much much longer than him, giving him more time to manifest his abilities and observe the ins and outs. The deity's daughter looked up at her father as her nerves began to rise again. "Dad.. Why can't you just make peace and forget the past..? Revenge will never bring anything good in return." She said almost as if she was attempting to change his mind upon his decisions. The extra soul that were with them was no other than smoke himself. He placed his hand over Kayla's mouth. "Eh? You hush now! I love his plan.. Bloodshed... Putting people out of their misery... And taking back what should've been his long long ago." Smoke smirked evily as Kyra walked in silence, his mind only getting more and more determined as the days only got closer to his goal. Kayla moved Smoke's hand away and frowned. "Crisis!? Do you think this is okay!?" She asked and gave him a look that told him she had better give a better explanation than Smoke. "....We're part of the god realm.. With Kyra being such a huge help.. I don't mind fulfilling one of his wishes... Besides... What will anyone lose out of it anyways..?" Kayla growled in anger and crossed her arms. "Whatever.. So what's first then since we really want to do this?" Kyra then turned his head towards his daughter as she was now talking more on his track finally. "We scout... Only strong warriors are eligible to do so. Deliver that message to Mercy. Don't tell Kira though. She'd be just like you and want to change my mind. She'll adapt once the heat of the situation kicks in." Kyra said chuckling almost as if he was getting a kick out of forming the crazy plan.

Kayla could only nod since her father wasn't being very congenial about this situation at all. Hopefully trying to talk Mercy into changing his mind would pay off. Even though her father had met her recently, they seemed to have a strong bond that was quite odd for her father to form so soon. With that being said Kayla headed off full speed into the sky, returning back to the city where most of the universe resided.

The ground seemed to be very unstable where the trio stood. This was a hint to Kyra that this was definitely the destination where they planted their future. Crisis used his right hand to rise it slowly towards the sky. Rummbling and the sand began to move as if something was moving to the Earths surface. Crisis's hand was enfused with a red power that indicated he was definitely using some type of force. The tip of a building began to become visible from the ground now. In only a few more seconds, there before the three legends stood their new headquarters for the plan they were beginning to start. "You know your friend Cypress.... He'll be well aware of such work.." Smoke said as the two walked towards the big doors that opened on the building. "He loves action.. This should be right up his stream..besides..Cress and I wilk have a talk. She  would be very valuable." Kyra said with a wicked smile. "Let's get started my friends."

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