God Arc: Chapter 3: Goku vs Kyra

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A build up of mere power and strength built up inside the deity as him and the saiyan met eyes; none of them taking their eyes off the other. Goku, realizing Kyra wasn't making the first move, he dashed towards Kyra with a closed fist. Such a simple minded push would get him hurt and that's what Kyra planned on doing to show his superior strength. As Goku gained on him, enclosing their gap, he quickly vanished behind Kyra with a sledgehammer attack going right for the deity's head. Quick reactions now came into play. Kyra jerked away backwards and dashed back at him unexpectedly with blows connecting to his face and ribs. The two now began their real fight with clashes that had the ground below erupting. Kyra smirked as the two clenched each others hands as they fought for the better strength. Within seconds, Kyra's left arm vanished and turned into smoke, making Goku lose his balance since he was relying on Kyras hand for support. Kyra finding this a perfect opportunity to attack gave his opponent a heavy smashing knee to his gut, causing the saiyan to bend over gasping for air. "I'm not done." Kyra said, spiral flipping over the slumped over saiyan and put his hands behind his back as he began levitating backwards to taunt Goku. Goku turned to see his risky decision. Goku gritted his teeth together as his hands formed fists. "Fine then.. I'll take it to new height for you!!!!" Goku screamed making the ground rumble as his hair went crazy. A tint of blue now showing only to stay though. His newly blue aura sized his body nicely and it was definitely a new level of power for the deity. "....here I come Kyra." Goku said and dashed at Kyra. Kyra still decided to not use his hands used the bottom of his feet in mid air to kick back each of gokus punches, but soon a kick got through his defenses that connected directly to Kyra's chin. Goku immediately took this opportunity as Kyra was stunned from that blow. Goku began to connected left and right blows into Kyra but finished up with a mid kick to his body that sent Kyra flying into the mountain behind them.

Goku smirked and kept his stance, knowing his opponent was very unpredictable. "...Take this with you!!" Goku yelled as he threw his left and right hand forward one after another repeatedly, firing destructive Ki blast into the mountain to bring more damage towards Kyra. Kyra removed some rocks and boulders out of his way and inhaled deeply as he could feel the power and multiple blast heading his way. The deity closes his Hazel eyes and put his hands close to his chest almost as if he was forming a jutsu. The moment the felt the blast hit the mountain, Kyra's body adapted to the attack, dodging each blast with out him moving physically, but in reality he was vanishing closer and closer towards Goku while evading with ease. Goku looked shocked and thought of another plan quick. "....KAAA... MEEEE...... HAAAAA.. MEEE......" Goku waited as the ultimate attack stayed locked and loaded in his palms, the energy itself ripping through the terrain below Goku. As Kyra now dodged his attacks, he now was right ahead of Goku. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" The saiyan released his attack at Kyra with full power. The speed and power behind it was remarkable, but it wasn't nothing the deity had seen before. Kyra enhanced his aura quickly and remained still, aiming his palm towards the incoming blast only for it to soon be vaporized and absorbed by Kyra's palm. Kyra remained untouched and he examined his hand and smirked. "...That was a nice attack.." Kyra said, his hands moving in the position Goku was in, a sphere of energy beginning to charge up just like Goku's did. Within seconds, Kyra fired back the exact same Kamehameha at Goku.

Goku stood wide eyed at the attack, too much in shock to move from such a skill. "....How..." Goku used his two hands to hold the blast as he struggled heavily. "Come on...!" Goku muttered as his power was draining tremendously. Draining him to the point he descended in power to a mere super saiyan 3. "Hahaha. You're finished Kakarott..." Kyra said and aimed at his blast he struggled with, shooting a heavily Ki piercing blast into his attack to make sure Goku would fall. Goku soon had all his entire attire vaporized from taking Kyras attack head on and found himself laying on the ground in base form. "I'm alive..." He mumbled. The deity was sitting beside Goku and smiled at him. "Yes.. You can thank me. Next time I'd like to fight your ultra Instinct.." Kyra said and smirked.

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