God Arc: Chapter 5: Father Like Daughter

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With the given information about his daughter and what he might have to go through these next few weeks, he suggested Risa stay over for a while for back up. Considering Kayla is his only child, the method would be a first time experience for him. "Shit..." Kyra mumbled and walked through the house in quite a fast pace. "Kayla!" Kyra yelled. She appeared in front of him in no time and smiled. "Hey dad. Glad to see you're back. Wanna see something cool I learned?" Kyra observed her body for any severe marks or bruises. Nothing. The teen girl looked just fine for now. As much as Kyra knew it was unsafe, he had to see this power with his own eyes. Was it destructive? Was it able to be held inside her with her saiyan powers? Did she inherit his smoke abilities? He had no idea. Kyra closed his eyes for a moment and nodded. "Let's see it..." Kyra said. The family now headed to the backyard knowing using such powers weren't allowed in the house.

"Well Dad... I achieved super saiyan god for starters." Kayla said. Kyra's eyes widened, but his mind went at rest as he figured this was just the new power instead of actual god powers. Kayla instantly cratered the ground, pushing the gravel outward, giving herself enough personal space to do whatever she liked as her hair grew long and yellow. This was her super saiyan 3. Already Kyra could feel the heat and the Ki radiating off her body like a rocket taking off. Kyra could tell Now she wasn't kidding since he was aware that after achieving super saiyan god, you're previous forms get a big boost as well. He was definitely feeling an increase from his daughter. "Are you ready?" Kayla smirked and clenched her fist, beginning to use more mental focus and concentrating her Ki control a red light around her began to expand and flicker. Small flames started to form around her as well now. "Haa!" With a short but deceiving shout, the teen began to levitate. Her hair as well began to change. A blood red coloring added to it with a dab of polish to it arrived in her hair now. Kyra's eyes widened even more and stepped back a bit. "Kayla.." He stuttered.

The saiyaness eyes now opened slowly as she completed her transformation, her iris's now even changing colors to a now red one; matching her hair color. "But this isn't it dad. What I really wanted to show you was..." Kyra remained silent and just watched in awe, his heart racing once again, knowing she was now about to present her true power. Her inherited power. Her hybrid power. Her... God power. Kayla did a spiral spin while going up more into the sky above her father. A scorching, burning hot aura formed around her suddenly. Pieces of her flame aura hailed down onto him like rain but only fire. Kyra caught one of the flames to observe its true aura ability. Like he though, it burned his hand like a hot oven. "Wow... " Kayla smirked and began to power up more, her aura exerting outward more, give off more heat. Kyra looked up at her only to notice the woman's hair was now an actual flame. "Hahahaha this power feels great!!" Kayla shouted. Kyra noticed every word she spoke, a flame evacuated her lips... As if it was absolutely natural. ".....this is outrageous... But beautiful.." Kyra said quietly. Risa placed a hand on Kyra's shoulder and laughed slightly. "She seems to handle it well.. That's great brother.. She's very powerful.." Risa was in shock just as much as Kyra but seemed a bit less worried since Kyra didn't seem to be panicking. "Kayla... That's your god power! You have it! That's great!" Kyra shouted. Kayla converted back to her normal form and jumped into her fathers arms and smiled. "I know... But I don't want you worrying about me.. I did this all alone already.."

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