God Arc: Chapter 6: Posession Of a Goddess

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The sounds of the school bell rang loud and clear as all the students entered their classes in a hurry after telling their friends goodbye. The red haired saiyaness stepped into her class and walked to her seat that was about in the middle of the classroom but all the way to the left towards the window. Like every morning, the popular guy in school winked at Kayla, giving her a kissy face. He laughed afterwards and looked back ahead at the teacher who has just arrived. In disgust, Kayla rolled her eyes wondering why he even tried so hard. "Psh.. What a dumb ass.." She muttered, placing her hand on the side of her soft cheek, definitely not prepared for this boring class. Most of the stuff she learned in class, her father had already taught her. "Good morning class! How was everyone's weekend?" She said happily, her fingertips sorting through some papers at her desk. Here and there students shared what all they did over the weekend, but Kayla didn't seem interested really. All she could think about was going out tonight with a few friends and showing her father that she is still passing all her test and assignments with no problem. "So Kayla, what about you? How was your weekend?" The teacher said out loud. 'Why in the world did she single me out? Maybe because my hair is red now...' She thought to herself. "Oh.. Um.. It was good.. I went.." Suddenly the guy from earlier giving her kissy face butted in. "Her and I hung out at my place. We had so so much fun Ms. Kenny." He smirked devilishly and looked over at the beautiful haired woman he spoke of. Kayla clenched her fist and gave him a look. "No I didn't!  I'd never hang out with you, big dumb ass!" Kayla shouted, half the class bursted out in laughter, the other half shocked by Kayla's reaction.

Ms. Kenny's eyes widened and looked at Kayla and pointed at the door. "You know I don't tolerate that kind of language in my classroom. It is absolutely prohibited. Write out a slip in the principles office." Kayla rolled her eyes, grabbed her bag and headed for the door. On her way out the boy grabbed her hand in a loving way. That triggered Kayla like no other. She bent all his fingers backwards, feeling a few of them pop and fired a Ki blast point blank at the males face. "Fuck off loser.." She said, but something unexpecting happened. Suddenly he started screaming, not about his fingers, but maybe because his face was engulfed in scorching flames. Kayla was unsure why. Her Ki blast never did such a thing, but in her head he deserved it, but then again, it wasn't her intention. The teacher quickly casted a spell by closing her eyes that summoned water above the students head to clear the flames. Ms. Kenny gave Kayla a Stern look and pointed at the door once more. "Out.." She said. Kayla headed for the door once again as she made eye contact with her friend Jen. She mouthed the words, "call me after school" to Kayla. Kayla couldn't help but form a smile and nod as she went out into the hallway.

The hallways were empty since all the students seemed to be behaving themselves unlike Kayla. "...I never get in trouble.. At least not at school. I know Ms. Kenny will ask about me later. She likes me." She mumbled, still wondering why that boys face caught on fire. Kayla soon reached the principles office and slowly turned the handle to enter. "Kayla.. I heard what happened. Go ahead and write on this slip your perspective. Okay?" The principle said, not seeming to be to upset with her about the incident. "Y-yeah. Thank you, Mr. Collins." She said, taking a slip of paper and a pen from the desk. She sat down in the chair and began writing. Kayla had got a few sentences in on her description when suddenly the pen began melting. Quickly, the ink poured out all over the paper and onto her pants. '...!! What the hell..!!' She thought and looked up at the principle. "U-um.. I think something was wrong with this pen. It busted.. I think.." Mr. Collins looked at the pen and nodded, tossing her another. "No worries. There's more paper beside you." Kayla nodded and cleaned herself up as much as possible, tossing the previous paper in the trash can. Attempt number two went successful, but only just a bit longer than the first one until the same thing happened again. Kayla was careful to not spill the black ink on her again. The principle watched her and gave her a face of annoyance. Kayla was begin shocked and was noticing her hands were melting the pens. "You find this a joke, Ms. Sakes?" The principle asked. Kayla was out of words and grabbed her backpack and headed out the door. "I-I don't.. But I have to go.. I'll email you my description. I'm so sorry..." She said and teleported in the schools courtyard. "...what the hell is wrong with me.. Today is not like me.. What's happening...?" She said, examining her hands and sighed.

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