Lusus!Vriska SerketxReader: always here

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Vriska grumbled and threw her robotic arm over her eyes when she was awoken by a loud wail. She sighed, grumbled and was about to march over to the hive next door and demand they shut the hell up when she remembered something; (name). Vriska's eyes widened to food-disks, and she darted from her "bed" (as those pink-fleshy sacks of stupidity called them), nearly getting her leg caught in the bed sheet in her haste. Now, normally if you said Vriska could panic like this she'd laugh and punch you in your face for your insolence, but that was the sound of HER grub: and you were the only one that could make her act this way. You weren't related by gene pools, but she loved you; (b/c) blood and all. And if anyone ever teased you or hurt you- or even made you mildly upset she'd send them flying from earth to Alternia.

She had found you after feeding Glubglub (Feferi's lusus) because Eriden was sick and couldn't do it.

She was about to leave when she'd heard a squeak of fear. She looked at what remained of the corpse she fed the fuschiablood lusus and saw a little grub nuzzle the mutilated head, hiccupping and standing on two of your needle-like appendages, shaking the (lusus)'s head before letting out one of the most heart-broken cries Vriska had ever heard; she would bet real money that even the Striders would've cried like wrigglers if they had heard it. She, herself felt immense guilt, probably for the first time in sweeps.

She may have had to do terrible things to keep her lusus fed, but she still had one; her own lusus made sure of that. She could never make her lusus proud, but she still had her grubhood that she knew was happy and loved. Usually, she'd take wild lusi to feed her own (though sometimes she'd take an older troll's), but she always made sure that those with grubs still too young should be spared; she had some morals dammit!

She was harsh, not emotionless.

She gently scooped you up, causing you to squeak again in alarm. You looked at her and Vriska was worried you would struggle from her loose grasp and fall, but to her surprise, you buried your little face into her shirt and started bawling your heart out, feeling safe with your lusi's murderer.

Vriska felt a warmth swelling in her bloodpusher; it was actually... kinda nice. Strange, but not unpleasant. Vriska felt something foreign swell inside her very being as she smiled at you, the first true expression of joy since she was your age herself; she would raise you and take responsibility for the death of your lusus by becoming one herself.

She only grew closer and closer to you since then, she was never able to be angry or even mischievous when you were around; she had more important things to do, like play with you, or sing, or just hold you in her arms and enjoy the love and warmth you radiated just for her. Much to everyone's surprise she was a wonderful lusus, and she loved you with all her bloodpusher.

You may be wondering why Vriska was running like a hoofbeast on steroids just because you were crying, and the reason is that you had always been very quiet. Even when you hurt yourself, you'd get little tears in your eyes and just wriggle/crawl to Vriska (who would nearly have a blood-pusher attack and run around like a headless cluck-beast while she tried to "save you") and be cuddled and cooed to until you forgot your pain and could only feel endless love from your spidery lusus. When she finally entered your room (and broke the door in the process) she was wheezing and darted over to your "crib" (she refused to put you in a recuperacoon after finding out that Gamzee would eat that shit in his sleep as a grub) and sighed in relief when she saw you were physically unharmed. She saw you tossing in the soft, feathery blankets and crying, claws reaching out to your lusus for comfort and love.

"Oh baby," she cooed in a voice solely reserved for you, "what's wroooong?" she picked you up with hands carefully. To most, her being so benign would be extremely un-Vriska like and alarming, yet you had only ever known this gentle touch in your life.

You whimpered and (sound)ed at the blueblood who kissed your forehead tenderly and cradled you in her arms, walking over to the rocking chair (that a certain Dancestor laughed at until he lost about four teeth- even though they regrew).

"Did my little spiderling have a horror-terror? My poor little (naaaaame)." Vriska said. She had tried to stop drawing out her sentences, but then you would act like you didn't hear her; most people thought it was annoying, but you loved your lusus just the way she was, thank you very much!

She started rocking and singing a different version of her usual song "Spider8ite" she came up with for you called "Spider kisses".

She sang the verse until you finally fell asleep, safe and sound in your lusus' gentle arms, but not before feeling you being laid down on her bed and cuddled. She kissed your forehead and gently mouthed the words "I'll always be here," before finally drifting into wonderful dreams of a beautiful girl you've known almost all your life playing with you. She had long, choppy black hair, a robotic arm and an eye with eight pupils with a loving, warm smile with sharp teeth.

But you could've sworn you saw a giant white spider looking at you and Vriska with a proud, approving look on its face before disappearing.

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