Part 3

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The day goes quickly. Lessons are over before I have time to think about it, and before I know it the school days over.
I change to my Spider-Man outfit and get a web to lift me to the roof of the building. Even from where I sit I can see Stark Tower in the distance.
'Okay.' I say to myself, 'just science stuff. You can do this. Science is your thing.'
I zip off along the streets towards the tower and stop a couple blocks away from the tower. I throw my clothes on over the outfit and take off my mask.
I've never entered the tower through the enter ends before. I've always landed on the balcony - as SpiderMan.
'Hi, um, Peter Parker. Here to see Mr.Stark?' I ask hesitantly at the front desk. She looks up at me and laughs a little.
'Mr.Stark is in meetings all afternoon.' She replies, 'he's a busy man.'
'I...are you sure? He...' I trail off as it's clear the receptionist has stopped listening to me. 'Okay. Cool.' I say, backing up and slowly making my way to the exit.
I don't want to bother Mr.Stark. She's right, he is busy. I'm already gathering attention, a teenage boy in messy clothes really doesn't fit in in a wealthy, successful company.
'Kid, hey! Peter!' I turn on hearing my name, to see Mr.Stark running down the steps to the main lobby, 'sorry,' He says on approaching me, 'on the phone to Bruce. Minor issues. Sorted. Anyway, you want to come up?'
'I, sure.' I say. I turn to the right and see the receptionist look up in surprise as Mr.Stark puts his hand on my shoulder and leads me up to his workshop.
'Mr.Stark, sir, he doesn't have clearance.' She says, surprised.
'Well, Okay, He does now.' He replies. She stays quiet.
Once we get in the lift I relax slightly, not obsessed with making sure I don't give anything away.
'You can speak freely from the lifts up. All Spider-Man, avengers, it's all good.' He says, 'how's the Friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man anyway?'
'Not bad. Few cuts and bruises. Nothing major.' I say, lifting up my shirt a little to show off a big cut I got in a fight with some muggers.
'How'd you get that one?' He asks, concerned.
'Last night these two guys were trying to take this woman's purse and, so, I took their guns but one of them picked up some broken glass from the floor and just...threw it. I don't know, didn't really expect it.'
'It's healing fast.' He says.
'Perks of a spider bite.' I say, 'so what are we...doing? Like today. Internship. All that.'
'I figured we could split our time.' He says as the lift reaches the top floor and we walk out into the penthouse which I'm vaguely familiar with, 'half the time we focus on Spider-Man, updating the suit, experimenting with web fluids, the usual. Then the other half we use to do things you can put down on a CV without giving yourself away. You can help with some of the stuff I do at the company, you can help me with some Ironman stuff. Things that don't involve Spider-Man.'
'That sounds great, Mr.Stark. I, uh, I really appreciate it.' I say, awkwardly.
'Kid, I dragged you into a family feud when you were fifteen. I owe you. Plus, Pepper hates my science talk and Bruce is out of town. It's nice to have someone who shares my interests.'

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