Part 46

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It didn't take anyone long to contact me after they realised what Peter was going through was the same as me. Shuri explained everything over the phone and I was instantly on a flight to America.
The only interaction I've ever had with the kid is in a fight where we were on opposite sides. But if he's going through what I was, that doesn't matter any more.
'Hey Buck.' Steve says, greeting me with a long hug as I step off the plane. I hug him tightly back, 'still no haircut?'
'Don't push me.' I say, as we separate and he walks me to the infirmary, one arm over my shoulder. We talk about Wakanda and life in general - but we shy away from Peter.
'Wolf!' Shuri says on seeing me. She runs at me and hugs me tightly, 'I didn't think you'd be in this soon. You should have told me.'
'Sorry, Princess. You miss me?' I ask. She let's go and joins Steve in leading me to the infirmary.
'Americans are nowhere near as upbeat and friendly as you.' She says, mockingly. Steve looks confused for a moment before realising she's joking.
'Part of my charm.' I say.
As soon as we enter the room, there's a change in tone. I remember how I was after becoming aware that I wasn't in control of my own head. I notice he's tied to his bed.
Tony is fast asleep in a chair beside his bed. Steve goes up to him and places a hand on his shoulder lightly. Tony jerks awake. I assume from a nightmare.
'I'm up. What's...Bucky. Hey. Thanks for coming.' He says, standing up and looking me up and down. Once again, I haven't seen Tony properly since he found out that I was the one who killed his parents. He falters slightly and we lock eyes. A truce settles between us.
'Happy to help.' I say, 'so the...the method used. Was it the same? I mean, with the words. And all of that.' My voice catches slightly. I stare at Peter, who's fast asleep, as I stay fully aware of everyone staring at me.
'As far as we can tell.' Shuri says.
'Okay. Right.' I say. I do my best to speak confidently, 'for me, the thing that...that broke their control, was seeing Steve. After that I found the museum, I went to our old apartment in Brooklyn. I confronted myself with my past, and my memories. Then obviously, after I came to grips with everything, Shuri helped a lot. Took away the control that the words have, I mean had. Had over me.' I cling to the bar at the end of Peter's bed to keep myself balanced.
'So you think we should move him to his old room?' Tony asks.
'Well in his case, Peter isn't being made to forget himself. It's more like he's...misremembering all of you.' I say, 'what worked for me, and I'm not saying it'll work for Peter. But you've got to throw him in the deep end. Don't give him any breaks. If he starts to get headaches from his memories, don't knock him out. Let him hurt.'
Tony stands, unreadable. His face is stern. He doesn't move.
'It'll take time.' I say, looking up at Tony, 'it did for me. But it's doable.'
'He's right.' Shuri says, 'I can keep working on what I was doing for Bucky. Now that we know the origins...we don't need to be given a cure. We can make our own.'

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