Part 31

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After making sure the woman is secure, I focus all my attention into Peter. He is still unconscious, numbering things to himself.
I place him on one of the beds in the infirmary and start to do what I can, check what I know how to check. But as far as I can tell, he's fine. Unharmed. I sit down, unsettled.
Before I have time to properly start thinking, he jolts awake, as if from a nightmare. He looks around, flustered.
'Hey, Kid. Calm down. You're okay. You're good.' I say, moving quickly to his side, one hand on his shoulder.
'Mr.Stark?' He says, focusing on me, 'what just...I was...talking to Shuri?'
'That's the last thing you remember?' I ask, surprised. That means he doesn't remember any interactions after he was taken.
'Yeah was helping me with a suit...make a new suit?' He says, shaking his head, 'God, what happened? If I've missed another day of school May is going to kill me.'
Everything stops. I stare at Peter as he rolls his shoulders, stretches out. I realise with an overwhelming horror that he doesn't remember anything since before his aunt died.
'What?' He asks, after noticing I've been staring at I'm without speaking, 'what happened? What'd I miss? Did I pass out?'
'Uh...yeah kid. You got hit pretty bad. Just, try sleep for now. I called Bruce to come check on you. Should be here in an hour or so. Just try sleep.' I say, unsure what else to say.
'I should probably call May.' He says, 'she gets annoyed when I don't.'
'Your phones at my place, I'll let her know.' I say.
'Why's it at yours?' He says, confused.
'You came for dinner. It...nevermind. Don't worry about it. I'll let May know.' I say. I hover for a moment longer, and then go to leave.
As soon as I leave the room I lean against the wall, no idea how to handle this new situation. I don't know whether he could handle finding or his aunt had died all over again.
I call Bruce like I told Peter I'd already done and give him a vague recap of what happened. He says he'll be here in a couple of hours. I sink to the floor and wait outside the infirmary until then.

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