Part 37

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I arrive at the compound to empty rooms. No one in the kitchen or main rooms.
'Hello? Tony?' I shout, to no replies, 'Steve, you here?'
'Pepper. Hey.' Bruce says, caught off guard, 'didn't realise you were coming.'
'Where is everyone? Is Peter okay?' I ask.
'Follow me, they're in the infirmary.' He says, 'Peter's having trouble remembering things right. I think it's hitting Tony pretty hard.'
I go to respond, but am interrupted by two gunshots. Bruce and I both pause, waiting for more. Bruce tends to steer clear of violence, just in case; and I know that there are far more capable people to deal with a potential threat in this building than me.
'Sounded like it was from the infirmary.' Bruce says, moving towards the room.
I follow him round to the room, and stand beside the wall as he looks up through the window in the door. He opens it and rushes in.
'What the hell happened?' He asks, as I follow in.
'Oh my God, Tony.' I say, rushing to where he lies on the floor, 'Are you okay? Did you get shot?'
'I'm fine. Don't worry. You've got to get Steve, he needs to set a perimeter. Peter escaped, he-' he says, Shuri trying to hold him still.
'What do you mean escaped?' I say, struggling to keep up.
'He...I don't know. He didn't remember stuff right. He thought I...he thought that I killed his aunt. God, Pepper you should have seen the look in his eyes. He hated me.' He says, his voice sinking. He loosens his grip slightly.
'We'll...I'll...I'll go get Steve. Just...just let Shuri and Bruce sort you out, okay?' I say, my voice frantic. He doesn't respond, 'Tony, let them sort you out, or so help me-'
'Alright. Okay. Yes. Just go find Steve. Please.' He says. I can hear the desperation in his voice. I grip his hand tightly and he kisses me briefly on the cheek before I pull away and rush downstairs.

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