Part 12

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I wake gradually. I hear snippets of conversation, my name comes up a couple times. I try to move my hands but they're dead weight. Ever since the spider bite I've been able to carry myself effortlessly - I don't like being restricted.
Unable to open my eyes, speak or move I focus on the voices. I hear a woman, not Pepper, younger. And Bruce. I recognise his voice.
'Well then, why isn't he waking up?' Mr.Stark. I hear a loud crash followed by silence, 'I'm sorry. Sorry.' He says, 'we've done all we can, you two should get some sleep. I'll stay.'
'Tony, I can stay.' Bruce says.
'It's okay. I'm fine. Thank you.' He says, 'thank you Shuri, both of you. I'll keep you updated.'
I hear Bruce and Shuri leave, the lift dinging as the door shuts.
I fall back to sleep to the sound of Mr.Stark dragging a chair to beside where I lay.
Spending time with Mr.Stark, I've learnt that bad nights sleep are part of the job. I used to make remarks of just wanting to be asleep or, after a difficult mission, looking forward to going to sleep. He'd always laugh, tell me that it won't last. And then I began to understand.
I'd struggle to go to sleep at night, scared someone would break in, scared someone else might be in danger. And then, once I was asleep, my head would be full of all the people I couldn't save and how I could have saved them.
That's what's in my head right now. The people I couldn't save. And I forget everything else, where I am, what's gone on. I relive Uncle Ben's death for the fifth time just as I jerk awake, out of breathe. I bring a hand to my forehead, wipe the sweat away as I get to grips with what's going on.
'Hey, Pete,' Tony says as he stands up, surprised and comes round to me, 'You're okay, calm down. Calm down.'
I begin to remember everything. All that's gone on. I look around, lost.
'What...I...' I push myself up from where I sit and my legs almost give way.
'Woah. Hold on.' Tony says as he quickly goes to support me, 'get used to yourself first.'
'What happened?' I ask, 'it was just a gun wound.'
'Bullets where made with you in mind. Got in your blood stream.' He explains, 'had to get in some experts.'
'May...' I say, concerned, 'how long was I out?'
'Just under a week. I told her it was normal bullets, she doesn't know. I called her already, told her you were in recovery. She'll be here in about an hour.' He says.
'A week.' I say. I feel so unused to myself. My arms and legs ache from being still for so long, 'did you find where they got the bullets from?'
'Not even close.' He says, 'this is far from over, Kid. Just get some rest.'
'Right.' I say, 'thanks.'

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