Part 5

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'MJ knows?!' Ned asks in a hushed voice, 'how did she find out? Did you tell her?'
'Ned, please, be quiet.' I say back, pulling him into an empty classroom, 'she figured it out. I don't know how. She just did, it doesn't matter.'
'How doesn't this matter!' He retorts back.
'I kissed her.' I say, my cheeks turning red.
'What?' He asks, unable to contain a brief rise in noise.
'Ned, shh. I just kissed her. And then she went off. But she didn', not kiss me back. I think she might like me.' I say, 'I don't know what to say to her.'
'You're Spider-Man, of course she likes you.' He says, 'just...I don't know, talk to her.'
'Talk to her. That's you're advice?' I ask. I was hoping for better.
'I guess. And let me know how it goes.' He says as the bell for next period goes off.
We go our separate ways, and I somehow get through the day without seeing MJ. It gets to the end of the day and I still haven't seen her. I might have been nervous to see her, but disappointment still sits at the base of it all.
I change into my spider suit and set off around Queens; neighbourhood watch. Normally I don't run into anything major, but I hear gun shots down the street.
As I land on a lamppost, I see several men in masks stealing from a jewellery shop.
'I'm not sure diamonds suit you.' I say to a burly man carrying a load of necklaces, 'Ruby is much more your colour.'
He drops what he's holding and aims his gun. I dodge out of the way and tie him up in a web. His friends instantly all draw guns and aim to me.
I get through the first two almost effortlessly, but then a bullet grazes my side.
Whilst I would usually feel a bit of pain, but get by, this time the pain reverberates through my body, making me unable to see straight.
I attempt to recover, and stand up. I shoot an impact web at the one who shot me and he gets stuck against the brick wall.
Another web takes down the second to last guy, just as another shot hits me in my stomach. I double over in pain as I shoot my last web and take down the final guy.
I struggle not to black out as the sound of sirens approaches. I don't know why these bullets haven't affected me like all the rest.
And then it hits me, I can't go to the hospital, or they'll find out who I am. They'd take off my mask.
I raise my arm and shoot a web, lifting myself off the ground as I start swinging towards Stark tower.
It takes two minutes and I pull myself up to the balcony, unable to change into normal clothes and parade in as Peter Parker.
I fall to my knees on the balcony and double over in pain. I hear the distant voice of FRIDAY announcing my arrival and whereabouts.
'Mr.Stark!' I shout, 'please.' I start coughing as I clutch my chest.
He comes outside and rushes to my side, arm lightly on my shoulder as if he's scared he might hurt me.
'It's okay, you're okay.' He says. He lifts me up and carries me through to his workspace, placing me on his work table.
'What the hell happened?' He asks, sounding angry.
'I got shot.' I say, my voice growing hoarse.
'You don't get shot!' He says, 'what happened to healing?'
'I don't know...' I say. The lights overhead are starting to blur and I can't see straight.
'Peter, look at me. Look at me, Kid.' He says but I can't focus on his face. I reach an arm up and find his shoulder.
'Look after May.' I say. He clutches onto my shoulder and keeps speaking but I can't hear him, my eyes shut and everything goes black.

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