Part 26

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I watch Peter as he starts swinging down the streets as if he's done it his whole life. I step back, move to the desk that I work at.
The space has been overtaken by Shuri and Bruce, working in their own way; which evidently is quite messy.
I set about the impossible task of clearing up. Or at least making the mess my kind of messy. I get some AC/DC playing and I start to feel like I did ten years ago; before the avengers, before Ironman. When Pepper used to clean up my life with no questions asked. I even start to sing along.
And then my phone rings. I answer, knowing that something has happened. It's Peter.
'Mr.Stark.' His voice comes, quick and whispered, 'I think I've found them.'
'What? Kid, why are you whispering?' I say. I pause the music and step outside. My suit begins to form around me.
'Shuri tapped into some mics around the city when certain trigger words were said.' He explains, still whispering.
'Hey Tony.' Shuri's voice comes through the line, 'I meant to tell you, I just didn't think anything would come of it.'
'What, wait, hold up. Where are you, Pete?' I ask, beginning to hover off the ground.
'Woah, shh. Hold on.' He says. I can hear the mumbling of voices, 'they're talking about you, Mr.Stark.'
'What? Kid, where are you?' I ask, exasperated.
'42nd Street. Side street by the theatre.' He says. I instantly set off to meet him.
'No, Mr.Stark, you can't come. They say they need you to...' He trails off.
'Kid, What? What's going on?' I ask, frantic.
'Peter? Are you okay?' Shuri asks.
'They know I'm here. It was a trap. Mr Stark, what do I do?' He sounds panicked.
'How many are there?' I ask.
'A lot.' He says, 'I can't take them all.'
'I'm on my way.' I say, speeding up.
'Peter, activate the defence mode on the suit.' Shuri says.
'Defence mode?' He asks.
'If you're taken, they can't take the suit off. It electrifies itself. Anyone who tries to take off your mask gets shocked.' She says, 'keeps your identity secret.'
We listen to him as he tells Karen to activate his electric suit. I'm still five minutes away.
'They'll want me alive.' He says, 'you can track the suit, right?'
'Yes.' Shuri says, 'hold on, Peter you-'
'Kid, don't even think about it.' I say. I fly at max speed.
'Sorry, Mr.Stark. I'll stay alive. I promise. Just come find me.' He says. I hear a mumble of voices, gun shots.
Peter's voice cuts out and the line goes dead. I stop mid air, listen for any noise. It's silent.
'Shuri?' I ask, there's no reply. His suit was connecting us.
I continue to make my way to where he said he was, but when I get there all I see is the sign of a struggle. Peter is gone.

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