Part 45

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'So there's...' I'm forced to pause. I sit down, recover my breathe, 'there's nothing we can do? There's no... no cure?'
'No more than there was one for Bucky.' Wanda says, trying hard to stand still, but unable to stop fiddling with her hands. I know the traumatic events she's just been through. I know how it feels for a mother to die.
I watch Steve, as he turns away slightly, raises a hand to his head. He's been through this before. And Bucky is still not fully okay.
'Tony...' Pepper says, placing a hand on my shoulder.
'I'm fine.' I say quickly, sharply. It is clear I am not. I reach out and take her hand, squeeze is slightly in way of apology.
'So there isn't an instant cure.' Pepper says, kneeling down to look up at me where I sit. She holds my hands in hers, forces me to look from Peter to her, 'he'll get better. Bucky's gotten better. Peter can too. It'll take time. But we have time now.'
'She...' Wanda starts. She falters, as if she's not sure whether to continue, 'she said that she didn't believe Peter could get better. Because of all the people he's lost. She believed Bucky only got better because of...because of Steve.'
There's silence for a while. Steve and I catch eyes for a moment. I look away first. Shuri has just finished checking up on Peter. She's stayed silent.
'Can you leave us.' I say, not directed at anyone in particular, rather everyone, 'please.'
Pepper is the first to move. She kisses my forehead lightly and pushes my hair back. I hold onto her hand until she moves too far away.
Everyone follows her. Shuri is the last to follow. Her hand lingers on Peter's shoulder. She takes a short breathe in and nods. Then walks away.
I wait until the door shuts behind her before moving over to Peter's side.
'Hey kid. Hey.' I say, my voice almost a whisper. My eyes close, 'I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. About your parents. And about your aunt and uncle. I'm so sorry. But I'm still here. I told you I wasn't going anywhere, and I'm not.' My voice catches slightly, 'I know I'm not...your parent. I know I can never...' I trail off.
'I'm here kid. However long this takes. However long you need. I'm here. So just. God. Okay. Just, stay alive. Stay alive for now. That's enough for now. I'm here kid. Just want you to know that.'
I place my hand lightly and briefly on his chest and take a step back. I stand there and watch as he tries to turn over and is held back by his restraints. He mumbles in his sleep.
I sit back down in the chair beside his bed. I don't move for hours. For days.
I'm here every time he wakes up, and I talk to him as long as he's able to talk. Every time he wakes it gets a little longer. And when I do eventually leave the room, someone else always takes my place. Sometimes Ned or MJ, sometimes Steve, sometimes Pepper, or Shuri. But I make sure he never wakes up alone.

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