Part 41

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'So you think this could work?' I ask, leaning back in my chair. I look over to Peter asleep on the bed beside me. I try not to think about all he's been through.
'I...don't know. Maybe.' Wanda says, looking to her feet. I notice she's retreated back to the shy girl she was after the media began to blame her for the mess we made in Sokovia and other places.
'It's all we've got.' Steve says, standing protectively beside her.
'Then it's all we need.' I say, 'anything you need, let us know. We'll have Bruce and Shuri on standby just in case, and ready to start as soon as you figure out what needs to be done. How much time do you need to get ready?'
'I'm always ready.' She says, looking to Steve and then back to me. She smiles slightly, a little scared.
'We'll start right away.'
I stand up, hesitant. I'm not sure whether they need me or not. But Steve holds up his hand.
'We got this one. You stay with the boy. He needs you more than we do right now.' Steve says. I bite my lip and nod. I pull Wanda into a brief hug, my hand on the back of her head.
'Thank you for this. I know this can't be easy.' I say. She hugs me back and pulls away.
'I'll do what I can. I promise we'll figure it out, Tony. Somehow.'

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