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~ ☂︎︎ ~


The voice of my supposed "father," Reginald Hargreeves, rang through the dining hall as my "siblings" and I raced down the stairs. I look around the table at our dysfunctional, chaotic. family. Luther and Allison, aka numbers One and Three, were smiling at each other from across the table. I knew they were a thing, or whatever it is, after catching them in the shed one night. Of course, I kept it a secret, but it was a constant source of blackmail. Let's just say I really didn't want to go into the lion exhibit at the zoo.

Diego, aka Number Two, twirled a knife under the table. His power let him throw knives with deadly accuracy. It was his favorite way to scare me, I hated it. That's not to say I won't immediately smack him. Klaus, aka Number Four, the most fun out of all my siblings. Though he was traumatized by many things, some coming from Reginald, some from his powers, he never failed to make me laugh during a mission. That often resulted in dear old "Dad" yelling at us, but we didn't mind. Number Five, the smartest and snarkiest out of all of us. He was never given a name, which raised some question in me, but we had all quietly ignored it. He often teleported to my room so we could late night talks, occasionally with Vanya.

And Ben, aka Number Six, was reading his book, barely paying attention to his food. His power, the dimensions trapped in his hip, were the most unfortunate for missions. I hated the fact that Luther made him kill so many people, but Ben always says he's fine. The only thing I could do was comfort him after every mission. And finally, my favorite sister, Vanya, aka Number Seven. She sat silently while eating her food. She possessed no power, and was shunned, especially by Luther and Allison. Dad really just seemed to hate her. She was never involved in our missions. It's like she disappeared. Five and I always go out of our way to include her. Every once in awhile, I'll sneak away to listen to her violin.

And finally, there's me. (Y/N), aka Number Eight. My powers, you ask? My powers are useful every now and then, I can control shadows. You might be thinking that doesn't do much, but I think it's cool. You see, my shadows are different. They're more than just a shade cast on the ground. I can change them, warp them, control them. They're like bursts of power and energy, they can sweep you off your feet and kill you in an instant. I see shadows as a life force, I can drain yours and kill you, or take fragments and put you to sleep. Reginald says I still have "so much more potential." But, what's cooler than shadow traveling?

So there you have it, our super dysfunctional family, topped with a robot mom and monkey butler.

BANG! Five stabbed the table with his butter knife, dragging me out of my thoughts. "I have a question." My father didn't even bother to look up as he responded. "Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during mealtime. You're interrupting Herr Carlson," he replied. "I want to time travel," Five continued. "No," Reginald said, his eyes still focused on his paper. "But I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said." Five demonstrated, and appeared next to him.

"A spatial jump is trivial compared to the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice. The other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn." Five thought about his words for a moment. "I don't get it."

"Hence why you're not ready."

Five turned to me and Vanya. We both vigorously shook our heads to say no. "I'm not afraid," Five dragged on. "Fear is not the issue. The affects it may have on your body, even your mind are far too unpredictable. Now I forbid you to talk about this anymore!" Reginald exclaimed. Five looked at me and mouthed Sorry, before running off. "Number Five! Come back here this instant!" I wanted to run after him, but common sense advised me not to. I knew he wouldn't come back after the warning. But what I didn't know, was that he would be gone for 17 years.

~ ☂︎︎ ~

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙍𝙀𝘿 𝙇𝙄𝙂𝙃𝙏𝙎 𝙁𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙃𝙀𝘿 in the hallway as the mission alarm blared throughout the house. I slipped on my domino mask as we raced out of the house. This was yet another bank robbery. Luther gave us the rundown of the plan before we went inside. "Allison, you cause a distraction. I'll come in from the roof. Once we take out the guards at the front, Diego and (Y/N) will come in to help free the hostages. Klaus, Ben, stay outside and make sure all the hostages are able to leave. We'll call Ben in to do his job." We all nodded. "Allison, you're up first." I watched as she walked in with confidence.

Usually, I would go in with both Diego and Five, but now, there were only two of us. I still missed Five, but was trying to move on and focus on the future. Diego tapped my shoulder, pulling me back to reality. "Let's go (Y/N)." We walked in, taking out five men. Diego landed multiple hits with his knives while I used my powers to drain the life out of a few men, watching them crumple to the ground, dead. I pulled for some more shadows, using my powers to blast a few more men away. We released the hostages as Allison called Ben and Klaus inside.

"Come on Ben," Luther said, pushing him towards the room. Ben stumbles, but I move to catch him. I walked up to him to give him a hug. "You got this," I whispered in his ear. He nodded, and opened the door. We all inched closer to the room, hearing the screams and watching the blood splatter on the walls. The sounds and sights died down as Ben slowly opened the door, face and uniform covered in blood. "Can we go home now?"

We all cheered, and I walked up to Ben to wipe the blood off of his face. We thought all the men were gone, but were proven wrong when the sound of a gunshot rang through the air.

I turned around to see who it was, until I realized I was the one who had been shot. I stood there for a moment, shocked. "Eight? (Y/N)?" My vision started to get spotty. Words and sights were blurred. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Wake up, oh please wake up!" Ben's voice was louder than any other. I felt someone pick me up as they ran out of the bank.

From what I could hear, we were back at the Academy. The kids stood to the side, Allison crying in Luther's arm, Klaus and Ben watching anxiously, even Diego shedding a single tear. Pogo and Grace, my mother, backed away. "She's in a coma," Pogo started. The kids gasped, Allison began to sob a little harder. "But, she will live." I sigh of relief circles around the room. "Children, please go to bed. We will discuss this in the morning." All the kids slowly walked out, led by Grace. Pogo and Reginald studied her carefully. "Mr. Hargreeeves, whatever they shot her with did something," he said, showing Reginald a chart. "She's not aging."

~ ☂︎︎ ~

𝙇𝙐𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍 𝙎𝘼𝙏 lonely on the moon. Diego was doing his job, saving lives and killing. Allison walked down the red carpet, the flashing of cameras almost blinding her eyes. Klaus was drunk, per usual. Ben was, well, Ben wasn't there. And that's when Reginald died. And that's when (Y/N) woke up.

this chapter, meh. it'll get
better, you'll see. vote,
comment, and add this
to your whatever!

QOTD: Would you rather be stuck in the future with Five or have stayed in the past with the other Hargreeves?

AOTD: Depends. Either way, both out comes are kinda shitty. Soooo

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