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❛❛ 𝙊𝙋𝙀𝙉. ❜❜

~  ☂︎︎  ~


I immediately bolted out of bed, not bothering to shadow travel to Five's room. Instead, I ran down the hall, probably waking up everyone.

"Five. Fiiiivvveeeee. Five Five Five Five Five."

I shook his shoulders, desperately trying to wake him up. I sighed, noticing that he was still in a deep slumber. I had enough, and decided to smack him with my powers.

"Shit, shit. I'm up, I'm up. What do you want?" He groaned, rubbing the spot on his head where I hit him. "What do I want?!" I asked in exasperation. "It's Christmas, Five. What do you mean 'what do I want?' Come on, let's go!" I tugged at his wrist, trying to force him to stand. He groaned once again, rolling over. "Go find someone else to bother. Maybe Klaus or Ben or something," he said, his voice muffled by his pillow.

I got up from his bed and stood in the doorway. "Ugh, fine. But, know that you're missing out on a lot of dumb fun."

"You guys have dumb fun everyday, I'm fine."

I spent the rest of the day with my siblings, doing normal Christmas traditions such as carols (Ben makes a wonderful Mariah Carrey), Christmas crackers (Klaus declared himself king with his newfound crown), even ugly sweaters we all forced on each other (Luther looked amazing). Surprisingly, we had all bothered Reginald enough to give us the day off of training.

When it had come time for us to open presents, Five finally decided to come out of his room. We all began to pass around boxes, the sound of ripped wrapping filling the room. Tissue paper and scraps fell all over the floor, making it seem like we just emptied out a paper shredder. My favorite gift had to be from Ben, a copy of "To Kill A Mockingbird," one of my favorite books.

"Any presents for me?"

We all looked over to Five. Of course, he had placed fairly small presents for everyone under the tree, and it looked like everyone had gotten a pencil and workbook. The note attached read, "You all need it." My present for Five was waiting on roof, but it seems like everyone else didn't have anything. "No offense, Five, but you never really celebrate the holidays. We just, assumed you wouldn't even be down here."

Five just stared at Klaus. "Well that doesn't mean I don't enjoy gifts."

"You only enjoy them, Five. That's the problem. You should spend some time with us, enjoy the holiday. We're going to drink some hot cocoa by the fire. Maybe go to Griddy's," Allison finished, giving a hopeful smile to Five.

"I-I'm ok. I'll just stay here."

We all exchanged glances, before I spoke up. "I'll stay too, I actually have a little something for Five." He gave me a small grin before everyone took their gifts and left.

"Well, what are we waiting for? What gift?"

"Patience, child."

"We're the exact same age."

I huffed in annoyance. "W-well, ok, fine. But, let's make some cocoa first."

I used hot cocoa mix with some heated up milk, while Five decided to put coffee in his, making a mocha. "Whipped cream?" I asked, after completely topping mine off. He shook his head. "I don't need more sugar."

"Says the guy who eats peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches." I pulled out a bag of mini marshmallows, adding the final touch to my hot cocoa. "I don't need the cream, but I will take that," he said, snatching the bag of mini marshmallows from my hand. I just laughed, pulling him up to the roof when he had finished pouring marshmallows all over his drink. Teleportation was a little risky with hot liquids.

"Wait, close your eyes."

Five just sighed, pulling his hand from mine and using it to cover his eyes. "Ok, ready?" He nodded. I opened the door to the roof. "Open."

He gasped at the sight before him. Right before opening gifts, I came up here to set up a movie night. I strung up fairy lights, surrounding every part of the room that wasn't covered by the sheet and projector put up. There were blankets and pillows strewn across the floor, as well as a huge bowl of popcorn. "Wow, you did all this, for me?"

"Well, I was planning on inviting Ben, Klaus, Diego, and Vanya. But, I guess it's just us now."

"Why not Luther and Allison?" Five asked, his eyes still wandering the roof. "Come on, have you seen the looks those to give each other? They need some alone time to like, make out or something." I dragged him to the floor. "Come on, I have Home Alone set up for us."

We spent the rest of the night cuddling (platonically, of course) and almost spilling popcorn everywhere every time we laughed. Five had another gift for me, a little leather bracelet with a rose engraved on it. I put it on, giving him a shy smile and a kiss on the cheek. We fell asleep on the roof, only for Reginald to find us in the morning and yell at us to clean up and get ready to train.

~  ☂︎︎  ~

𝙁𝙄𝙑𝙀 𝙃𝘼𝘿 𝙂𝙄𝙑𝙀𝙉 in to all our nagging, and agreed to sneak up to the roof again to celebrate new years.

We sat in a circle, reminiscing hilarious moments and missions. When it came to a minute before midnight, I could already see Allison and Luther getting snuggly. "Ah, Allison and Luther are ready for the kiss. Well, I am too," Klaus said, struggling to pull Ben closer while Ben swatted at him. Vanya and Diego faced away from each other awkwardly, as Five and I leaned in closer.











Five's face was an inch away from mine, when confetti burst into my face.


I looked over to see Klaus with an empty party popper. We all glared at him.


Happy New Year everyone! Hope you enjoyed that little extra. I'll see you guys in the next chapter (when i'm a teenager ahhhhhh)!

QOTD: Favorite holiday?

AOTD: It's really hard to choose between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I have to go with Christmas. Not just for the presents, but for the chance to see all of my family and the church aspect (because i'm Christian)

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