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~ ☂︎︎ ~

Before you read, I just wanted to let you guys know my uncle has been hospitalized and is in a coma. Chapters might be a little wonky.



"No, you cannot." I sat on Five's bed, twirling a pen between my fingers (fun fact: my brother plays the drums and taught me how to do that, but I'm not that good at it). "I mean, that doesn't really insult you. It was even a term of endearment once." He sighed and turned around. "Please don't." I rolled my eyes. "You're no fun."

"And you're still dating me."

I stared at Five. "Did you just say we were dating?" He stared right back at me. "Maybe." I looked around the room at the numerous equations Five had written on the walls. I still didn't understand any of them. He seemed so focused in his work. "Can't you take a break? For like, one second?" He turned around to face me. "I'm trying to stop the apocalypse, I can't take a break," he said, sighing after doing so. "Oh come on Five," I said getting up off the bed. I pulled on the back of his jacket, which was a definite mistake. I must have pulled too hard, as the next I knew, we had both fallen back on the bed. Five's chalk clattered onto the ground. He lay on top of me, staring into my eyes.

"You can get up now you know," I said, squirming beneath him. He stayed, unmoving, his eyes still boring into mine. "Um, Five?" I said, trying to move my hand. I continued to squirm until I felt something soft on my lips.

One part of me thought, Oh fucking shit he's kissing me. The other thought, Finally bitches. I realized I had yet to respond to the act of intimacy, and immediately did so, kissing back. My hand found it's way out as I brought it up to his neck, bringing him closer. He moved his hand to place it on the side of my face. The kiss deepened, as I began to run my hands through his hair. Eventually, we pulled apart. We were both breathless, and stared into each other's eyes once again.

"So that was totally better than kissing the mannequin, right?"

Five groaned, getting off of me and picking up his chalk. "You really had to ruin the moment, didn't you?" He went back to writing his equations. "Oh, I totally had to ruin that moment."

"By the way, you were better than Dolores."

I got up and immediately laughed at his response. "What? What's so funny?" I just continued to laugh and giggle, eventually tearing up. I wiped my tears with my finger. "The fact that you confirmed my question means that you've kissed the mannequin." I continued to laugh a little more. My laughing was silenced by another soft feeling on my lips. Oh shit he's kissing me again. I melted into this kiss, bringing my hand back into his hair. Five's hands rested at my waist. We both pulled away, our foreheads resting against each other's. "You talk too much," Five said, his voice still sounding breathless. "Yeah, I bet the mannequin didn't talk much when you did this."

Five groaned once again, pulling away. I laughed, grabbing his collar to give him a quick peck. He immediately turned away, going back to his equations. I studied him to see why he had turned away so quickly, only to discover a light dusting of blush on his cheeks. I turned his head back to mine, looking him straight in the eyes. "Are you blushing?" I asked. Five turned away. "No, I am not. It's just, hot in here."

"What, is it me?"

"Oh my god just shut up!"

Hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry it was so short! Here's a picture that my aunt sent me of my 2 year-old cousin riding a scooter:

𝘼𝙐𝙏𝙃𝙊𝙍'𝙎 𝙉𝙊𝙏𝙀!Hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry it was so short! Here's a picture that my aunt sent me of my 2 year-old cousin riding a scooter:

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QOTD: Do you folks play any instruments?

AOTD: I play clarinet, a little bit of piano, ukulele, and guitar. I can also do the cup song and have a half-decent singing voice (Or, at least that's what my friends say. They actually think it's good, but I don't believe them.)

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