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~  ☂︎︎  ~

"𝙒𝙃𝘼𝙏'𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘿𝘼𝙏𝙀? The exact date?" Five asked while making himself some food. We all stood around the wooden table, with Klaus sitting on top of it. "The 24th."


"March," I completed for Vanya. He stopped working and looked up at me.


"Yeah hi you little bitch."

"What's wrong?" he asked. "It's been seventeen years," Luther interrupted. "It's been a lot longer than that," Five said, resuming his work. He used his spatial jump to travel for the cupboard and back to his spot.

"Still haven't missed that," Luther muttered.

"Where did you even go?" Allison asked. "The future, it's shit by the way," he answered before continuing to make his sandwich. "Called it!" Klaus said giggling. I rolled my eyes at him. "Should've listened to the old man. Jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice," Five muttered. "How long were you there?" Diego asked. "Forty five years, give or take."

"So what are you saying? You're 58?" Luther asked. "My conscious is 58, apparently I'm in my 13 year-old body. Delores kept saying the equations were off. Bet she's laughing now," he answered sarcastically. Delores? He looked up at Klaus. "Nice skirt."

"Oh, well, danke!"

"Wait, wait, wait. How did you get back?" I asked. "In the end, I had to project my conscious forward into a quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time." He said. "That makes no sense," Diego stated. "Well, it would if you were smarter." Diego was about to lunge at him but Luther stopped him. Five picked up a newspaper. "Guess I missed the funeral. Heart failure, huh?"



Both Luther and Allison answered at the same time. "Glad to see nothing's changed," Five said before walking off. "That's it? There's nothing else to say?" Allison called, earning no response. I used my shadow traveling to follow him.

"Still haven't missed that either," Luther said.

Vanya followed us. "Nice to know dad didn't forget me," he said, observing his portrait on the wall. He turned to Vanya. "Read your book by the way. Found it in a library that was still standing. I though it was pretty good, all things considered. Though it was definitely ballsy giving up the family secrets. Sure that went over well." Vanya looked down. "They hate me."

"There are worse things that could happen," Five replied. "Like what happened to Ben?" she asked. "Was it bad?" I asked Vanya. She looked down again. "Can I talk to (Y/N)? Alone?" Five asked. Vanya nodded and walked away. Five and I stood in silence, staring at his portrait. "So," I began, "you're 58."

"Yeah, and you're still in the body of a thirteen year-old."

"Well so are you!" I said. Five looked at me, our eyes locked onto each other. "I missed you," he said. "Then why did you leave?" I asked. "I was young, had no impulse," he responded. "Did you forget about me?" I whispered. Five grabbed my hand. "How could I forget about someone like you?"

~ ☂︎︎ ~

𝙒𝙀 𝘼𝙇𝙇 𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙊𝘿 outside in the rain, waiting to say goodbye to the man who ruined our childhoods. The rain made the ground muddy, and the lack of wind made the dumping of the ashes less dramatic. "That would've been better with some wind," Luther said, stating my thoughts. "Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo asked. He was answered with silence. "Very well. In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master, and my friend, and I shall miss him very much. He leaves behind a complicated legacy-"

"He was a monster," Diego interrupted.

Klaus let out a giggle. Pogo stopped his speech, concerned.

"He was a bad person and a worse father. The world's better off without him," he continued, no emotion lacing his voice. "Diego," Allison intervened, she already knew the damage this would cause. "My name is Number Two. You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had mom do it." We all knew we should be angry at Diego, but it was true. He was a terrible father.

"Would anyone like something to eat?" Mom asked, completely unaware of what was happening. "No, it's ok Mom," Vanya quickly interrupted. "Oh, ok," Mom said, sounding distant. "Look, you wanna pay your respects?" Diego continued. "Go ahead, but at least be honest about the kind of man he was."

"You should stop talking now," Luther said. This isn't going to go down well. "You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One," Diego says slowly. This doesn't sound good. "I'm warning you," Luther said. "After everything he did to you? He had to ship you millions of miles away."

"Stop talking Diego," Luther said through gritted teeth. "That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" he shouted, putting his finger to Luther's chest. That's what finally broke Luther. He swung his arm at Diego and they began to fight.

"Hit him, hit him," Klaus chants.

I elbow him and he yells in pain. The boys continue to fight. "We don't have time for this," Five says before walking back inside. As the fight continues, more people begin to leave, with only me and Klaus left behind. That's when they did it. They knocked over Ben's statue. And that's when Diego decides to throw a knife.

"STOP!" I shouted, using my powers to stop the knife inches away from Luther. I watched as it fell to the ground, the sound echoing around the courtyard. "You two are grown men, so stop fighting. Both of you, inside, now." I stated. "Hey, I'm not about to be stoped by some thirteen year-old gir-"

"Yes, you are," I said, using my powers to push Diego back. "I said, inside. Now. Dad is dead, we don't have time for this." Both boys looked at me in silence. Luther finally gave in, walking back inside. "Go," I said, nodding my head at Diego. He brought Mom inside with him too. I looked at Klaus, who was still sitting on the bench. "Don't get sick," I told him before walking inside.

Klaus took his cigarette out of his mouth, walking over to our dead father. "Bet you enjoyed that huh?" he says. He laughed before sticking his cigarette in he pile of ashes.

Hoped you enjoyed that! To
clarify, you have shadow
powers. You can gather shadows
and use them as blasts of
power, shadow travel
(like Nico heh heh), and you
can draw from someone's
"shadow," basically drawing
from their life force.

QOTD: What power would you want to have and why?

AOTD: Even though your character does have shadow powers, I would most like to control the elements. Why? Because AVATAR.

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