chapter 1:naruto becomes an assassin

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Naruto was minding his own business one night but not just any night. It was the night he was born.the night of the kyuubi festival and naruto knew that the villagers were always after him and hated him for what he held. The nine tailed fox. They all believe that he is the Fox in human flesh and blood but they will soon find out that some people aren't who they appear to be.

Naruto was currently on the roof of his apartment when he saw the angry mob of villagers off in the distance between his apartment and The festival he Then went through a series of hand seals and said in a whisper."ninja art. camouflage jutsu." He then vanished completely into his surroundings and went inside to set up an over head trap of kunai shuriken and senbon needles with high doses of snake venom triggered by trip wire and hidden shadow clones armed with bow and arrows. The traps were set and the shadow clone decoy was in place the only thing left was to just sit back and enjoy the show while playing dramatic revenge music on the violin.

Meanwhile The angry mob of villagers had finally made it to naruto's apartment They saw nothing out of the ordinary so they charged up the front door step and not noticing the trip wire beneath their feet They stepped on it.the door flew open and a hail of toxic senbon needles with slow acting snake venom struck The entire crowd thinking nothing happened and ignoring The ominous music that was playing they proceeded to The living room where shadow naruto (that's what I will be calling naruto's shadow clones) was playing his part as bait a random civilian stepped up and said." Ha!!!. You think those needles would stop us???. guess again." And shadow naruto said."those weren't any ordinary needles. Those were needles bathed in snake venom from the black momba. A very deadly poison that can kill a full grown man in 30 minutes you all now have 15 minutes left remaining. The more you over exert yourselves the faster The poison takes effect.but you will all be dead soon so why not just run along to the hospital and get the anti-venom in your blood stream." Shadow naruto then thought to himself."that's it.just a little bit closer and you'll be dead in no time." Sadly none of the villagers believed him and got up in his face and unknown to them they had just taken a one way ticket to the shinigami.the leader of the angry mob not paying attention stepped on the trip wire activating The over head kunai and shuriken traps in the ceiling and were killed instantly. Watching the event unfold itachi uchiha and kakashi hatake ANBU code names dog and weasel were about to move in and stop the madness until they heard screaming but it wasn't naruto's. Two arrows Then went flying into their shoulders and legs laced with parilyzing venom from The King cobra they couldn't move shadow naruto Then appeared in front of them and said." Inform the hokage that I don't need Anbu baby sitters to protect me from the civilians or shinobi. I have The entire village of the hidden stone, cloud,mist, Sand and even our own swarming with shadow clones every district every clan compound is under my hidden clones 24 hour surveillance.take this.its The anti-venom cure. OH and by the way Itachi uchiha. I'd hate to have to slaughter and kill your mother father and little brother along with the rest of your clan to prevent civil war and keep The peace. A fair warning don't trust the uchiha clan elders.they are the real master minds behind the cou'
detas.not your parents."the shadow clone then dispelled itself and The REAL naruto still hidden from view went to bed after burning The bodies and washing away all The blood in the apartment.

Itachi and kakashi had reported in to the hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi third hokage of konoha to tell them that naruto had single handedly taken out an entire angry mob of 100 civilians with shadow clones and has been monitoring All 5 villages using 100 clones per village. To say he was impressed would be an understatement. He was stunned that naruto hadn't even graduated The academy yet.and yet here he is finding out that naruto has created a much larger spy network then even jiraia of the sannin!!!. Sarutobi then said" we must keep this secret. jiraia must not know that naruto has successfully infiltrated All 5 villages without even him knowing it. Naruto sure knows how to cover his tracks well I will admit that I'm worried he may eventually take this retaliation of his to far and eventually come after me and The council." Just then an arrow with a message attached to it flew through the window. kakashi gulped as he read the letter out loud that said only five words." I'm watching your every move you make


The secret to defeat paperwork is shadow clones."
Sarutobi couldn't believe it.this whole time it was right in front of performing The Cross shaped hand seal he then created a shadow clone of himself and shouted thank you naruto!!!. Thank you!!!. I'm finally Free!!!."

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