Chapter 5: the birthday surprise. naruto's heritage revealed.

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After being scalded by The daimio and coming up with a solution to get tsunade back to the village and hopefully take care of naruto with The uchiha and Hyuga clan families along with jiraia Hiruzen and The daimio agreed that enough was enough and The village needs to know who they have been abusing The last 12 years so Hiruzen and The daimio decided to make it a birthday surprise for naruto and what a surprise it would be. The kyuubi festival was a day away and everything was set in motion until suddenly a very loud and very angry voice was heard coming from the village gate. It was tsunade. Naruto's grandmother and she was pissed off. When she got The letter from the daimio saying that All her family's bank accounts and financial assets were frozen and she's been cut off until further notice. That's when all hell broke loose. tsunade had made it to the Hokage's office and didn't bother Knocking and instead busted down the door yelled and said." ALRIGHT SENSEI!!!. START TALKING!!!.WHY HAS THE DAIMIO FROZEN ALL OF MY FAMILY BANK ACCOUNTS!?!?.AND WHY IS THE SENJU AND UZUMAKI CLAN BANK ACCOUNTS NO LONGER IN MY NAME!?!?. WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!?!?!" And Hiruzen just looked at tsunade with anger And rage filled in his eyes and said." The daimio and I have found it in the best interest of YOUR GRANDSON naruto SENJU uzumaki namikaze that The uzumaki and senju accounts be given full access to him so that he can ACTUALLY afford a decent house!!!. in other words. Your penniless and shall be working at The konoha hospital to pay off the debt collectors you owe money to!!!.you will not be able to leave This village until you have made up for lost time with naruto!!!. And since you were so persistent about it in the past you will also be training The next generation of medical shinobi currently attending the academy!!!. The konoha hospitals standards have greatly fallen without your supervision. Tomorrow is naruto's birthday and I hope you will not think of leaving the village again or I will have to get naruto to hunt you down and bring you back by force. I would watch what you say next as it could mean you living to see another day or be killed in your sleep. Naruto's skills as an assassin are well beyond that of even our best Hunter nin. He has shadow clones everywhere watching everything and everyone he may consider a threat to The village. These reports are just some of the good things he's done for the village. The uchiha rebellion.

Crisis threat level: SSS class.

Status: crisis was averted and an entire founding clan saved by a mysterious unknown person who is now called " the uchiha clan savior" officially the uchiha clan elders were killed by Anbu member itachi uchiha. Unofficially. It was an assassin named naruto uzumaki namikaze. He leaves no traces or evidence that he's The one behind it since he burns The bodies and washes away any blood stains and foot prints. As if he were never there.

The Hyuga clan heiress kidnapping of hinata Hyuga.

Crisis Threat level: SS class

Details are as follows: hinata Hyuga was being kidnapped by a kumo shinobi implanted in OUR village without my knowledge. The shinobi only got three feet away from the compound before being struck down and paralyzed by an unknown person who used a bow with an arrow drenched in cobra venom completely parilyzing him and taking back The arrow once again covering his tracks with shadow clones. And is now hailed by the Hyuga clan as The full moon guardian of the Hyuga clan. And finally his most recent mission witch even I don't think I could have pulled off.

Mission: kill danzo Shimura and All Root ANBU

Crisis Threat level: HIGH RISK.

Details: in a combined effort of the village ANBU uchiha clan and Hyuga clan along with jiraia of The sannin. Military traitor danzo Shimura was ambushed by an entire scouting and infantry regiment of the Hyuga and uchiha clans lead by konoha assassin naruto uzumaki namikaze. And a demolition squad lead by jiraia of the sannin. The Root ANBU organization was overwhelmed and killed with no survivors and no bodies remaining. Danzo was then taken out by Anbu members kakashi hatake and itachi uchiha upon naruto's orders to ensure ever lasting peace in the village without corruption.

So as you can see Tsunade that is why you have been cut off from the senju and uzumaki clan bank accounts. Because naruto has done more good for this village and it's people yet refused to be accepted for it. So he left for The daimio and explained everything to him. Even how I refused to let his own God parents mikoto and fugaku uchiha along with Hiashi and Hitomi Hyuga to share an adoption with him. Needless to say when naruto left They threatened to follow him by declaring severance from the village of konoha. And I couldn't allow that to happen. So I.. gave Them permission to adopt him on The grounds that he not change his name and jiraia visits twice a month for training.where as you have done nothing to help naruto at all!!!. For the past 12 years since minato and Kushina's death you've done nothing but wallow in grief and self pity!!!. Wasting your families inheritance left to you by your grandparents on gambling casinos and alcohol!!!. You disgrace minato and Kushina's memory by not being here for their own son!!!." Hearing all of the things her Sensei had just told her that naruto had been driven to do because he wouldn't take action when needed. She just fell to her knees and cried into her hands finally feeling all that guilt and all that regret. The thought of what Kushina would have done to her now frightened her so finally gathering her thoughts together she asked." Where is he???. Can i see him???. Please Sensei!!!. Tell me where he is!!!." And Hiruzen said." Closer than you think. So close he could kill you right now and you wouldn't even know it. Isn't that right???. Naruto." Tsunade couldn't see it but definitely felt the cold steel of a kunai knife pressed against her throat and she just looked over her shoulder and eyes widened and filled with fear as naruto said." Move a muscle.take another step forward to the hokage and I will kill you. Family or not. Blink once If you understand for yes.blink twice for no." Tsunade didn't want to test his claim so she did as told and blinked once for yes showing that she understood quite well that her Sensei wasn't exaggerating.naruto then lowered the kunai knife from her throat and said." Good. Now If you'll excuse me I have a gift for The hokage waiting in the Anbu maximum security prison. An old friend of yours. Does The name, orochimaru Ring a bell to you???." Hiruzen and tsunade's eyes widened and they said together." YOU BROUGHT HIM BACK ALIVE!?!?!?. ARE YOU CRAZY!!!???." And naruto just shrugged his shoulders and said." Well to be honest I thought he'd be worth more brought back ALIVE rather then dead and put on trial for his crimes. Don't you???. And last I checked the Anbu bingo books he's worth 100.trilion Ryo alive and only 1million dead. So I decided to take him alive. Caught him off guard with a poisoned senbon needle to the back of the neck and base of the spinal cord.fell to the ground instantly. Also I found an entire prison Cell full of uzumaki clan members in rice country. One of them is with me now." Naruto Then said." YOU CAN COME ON IN NOW MOM!!!."

And now we enter The Cliff hanger.

What will become of tsunade???

Will naruto ever forgive her for abandoning him???

And how will tsunade react to Kushina still being alive???.

The plots thicken next time in chapter 6 of naruto:Konoha's assassin!!!.

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