chapter 12: Gato's death and a much needed vacation.

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Naruto zabuza haku kisame and The demon brothers were All in position to kill Gato it was time to free wave country of this tyrant and bring back ever lasting hope to the people. So naruto then looked at haku and said." Haku. Your first." Haku Then threw two senbon needles at the guard necks and knocked them out. Kisame and zabuza said." Now it's our turn to shed some blood." Zabuza and kisame rushed into The mansion killing one guard after another and Gato knew that they were coming for him and said." Guards!!!. guards where The hell are you!?!?. the last guard was killed and zabuza Then busted down the door and said." Time for you to die midget.but why not let some fresh air in before you do." So. not knowing that he just signed his death warent he opened The window and said." There. now what's the meaning of this...." That's all he got to say before.(SWOOSH!!!!). (SPLAT!!!!.) Gato had an arrow sticking out The back of his head and seeing that it wasn't a poisoned arrow zabuza ripped it out of his skull and handed it back to naruto who had come in through the window with a rope and Kunai acting like a zip line. Naruto then cleaned up The room by burning All the bodies and with kisame and zabuza's help wash away All the blood that was left behind. All that was left was to return what gato had stolen from these people and said." Gather everything you can get that belongs to The people of wave country and make sure that nothing is left behind. No evidence. No witnesses.and kisame said." Damn kid. You really do take things seriously when taking out a target. No wonder you are so feared in The akatsuki. Even kakuzu and hidan have been looking for a place to escape. But I told them that you can't escape The Shadow assassin of konoha.he is everywhere and yet he is nowhere also. Let's just say they left The akatsuki after that."and so with The assassinations complete and All The prisoners free the mission had been successful The bridge was finished and the two groups went their separate ways after saying their good-byes to one another and received an alliance with wave country and because The bridge was finished getting back to the village of konoha took a lot less longer than expected. When they got back to the village and reported in to the hokage that The mission was a success minato then spoke up and said." With All do respect Lord Hokage my family and I are requesting time off for a vacation to the uzumaki clan home Land. Naruto has been growing quite... well...he takes things to seriously when on a mission. He reminds me of you kakashi when we were a team." Kakashi just sighed and said." Would you like me to talk to him about it???." And minato said if you could that would be great. thanks. Hopefully by talking to someone who has been through the same thing he will open up to others a little bit more." Kakashi then went to find naruto but already knew where he'd be so he went to the Hokage's monument and sure enough found naruto laying there in The grass staring up at The sky and said as he sensed kakashi approach him and said." Hey kakashi Sensei what's up???." And kakashi said." Can we talk naruto. It might help you to trust people more???." And naruto said." I never knew why Shikamaru and his family found starting at the clouds so interesting and now I know why. It's their way of coping with the stressful things in life. I guess I just never took much interest in others hobbies until now."  Kakashi Sat down next to naruto and said." You know naruto. When I was younger. about your age. I used to think that The mission and the people involved with it came first. That I had to kill my emotions to be strong in battle and anything else that came after was secondary. But then I realized that I didn't always have to be that way. Sometimes it's okay to show your emotions in battle because depending on the situation they can either make you stronger. Or you can become a merciless cold hearted killer. Just something to think about. Remember what haku said before she left. Only when you have something or someone precious to you can you become truly strong."

Meanwhile back at the Hokage's office minato and Kushina were talking to Hiruzen about taking some time off for naruto's mental health and said." So you think that by taking naruto to Uzushio that he will be able to reconnect with his ancestry and learn fuinjutsu in The process. There by giving him a more calm and emotional mind set away from the village???." And Kushina said." It's worth a try.but yes. That's our initial plan. So what do you say???." Hiruzen just smiled and said." Your request for a vacation is approved. You leave tomorrow so rest up and spend as much time as you need. The chuunin exams are coming up in the next month so I can hopefully expect the three of you back by then???." And minato and Kushina said." Yes Lord Hokage. We will." And Hiruzen said." Very well. You should find naruto at the hokage monument staring at the clouds. Sometimes I think it helps him relax." Minato and Kushina then left and sure enough naruto was there fast asleep in the grass staring up at The clouds so they picked him up and carried him home to put him to bed and Kushina said." You know something minato. I think that this vacation Will do him some good. The village is safe enough thanks to him so I guess he feels he always needs to be here and everywhere at once to prevent future threats to the village." And minato said." Your right Kushina. We need to show him that he can't always protect everyone at once shadow clones or not." They made it home and put naruto to be and then went to bed themselves since it was a very long trip to Uzushio. At least a two weeks travel non-stop. They went to bed and said." Don't worry naruto. We're here for you. And we'll get you through this. together as a family."

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