chapter 15: naruto's empty heart

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Mito and Kushina decided to take a break from training with naruto for a while and just relax but sadly they couldn't find naruto anywhere. Until they heard a piano playing and Kushina asked Mito." Do ever remember having a piano in The mansion Mito Sama???. " And Mito said." No Kushina I didn' where is it coming from???." They decided to follow The sound of The piano and when they got to the room naruto was staying in they were surprised to see that HE was The one playing such beautiful music.but before they could ask they saw him cancel what looked like a wood style jutsu and heard him say." Wood style.wood creation Kai." The piano disappeared into the floor and naruto picked up a violin and started playing The most beautiful song they've ever heard a song that was obviously a reflection of the way he always feels. It was The song of sorrow and sadness.

After hearing The song naruto was playing they couldn't help but think something was bothering him.but what could it be???. Naruto has been killing his emotions every time they train so it's not like they could just ask him how he was feeling. but even though he didn't tell them Kushina knew all to well that look on his face. it's The only thing that All jinchuriki long for. The thing he's never known. Love. And Kushina knew exactly who it was he likes if not loves and it's not Sakura. It was Hinata. Kushina and Mito just closed The door and left him alone to finish letting out his emotions as she looked at mito and said." You and I both know what's bothering him. It's love. He's in love but doesn't want to show it in front of others. He believes that killing your emotions in battle keeps you alive. But If there's one emotion above all that's The hardest to get rid of.its love. For some it's a motivator to become stronger but in naruto's mind he believes it is a sign of weakness so he tries everyday to kill that emotion. "And Mito said." It's only natural that he wants to be loved and The fact that no one in konoha even loves him because they fear what he holds makes me sick. The council is not what it used to be. Sarutobi has let the council overrule all his decisions from what naruto has told me but that's all going to change after today. Who is this person that you believe is in love with naruto. If you don't mind me asking???." Just then Mito and Kushina felt two steel blades against their throats and naruto said." Don't bother asking questions you might have to be killed over just to get the answers. My love is for the village and not one single person but rather every person in konoha. Does that answer your question???. " And Mito said." For now.but I sense there is more to it than that.and if I'm right. You do love someone.who is it???." Naruto then pulled his swords away from their throats and said." This conversation is over." And went back to his room. Kushina then said." You see what I mean!!!. Any sane person would talk about their feelings to others. But naruto isn't like that!!!. That naruto isn't The naruto I brought into this world. he's far to resentful!!!. Sarutobi and The village have damaged his mentality to where he'll become nothing more than..."  And then that's when it hit Kushina like a ton of bricks. They broke him.they broke her little boy into being nothing more than a weapon to be called upon and thrown aside like some Rusty Kunai blade. Kushina balled up her fists until her knuckles turned white and her skin bled. Mito knew that the volcano known as Kushina uzumaki was about to blow and decend hell upon konoha if someone didn't help naruto so Mito then said." Relax Kushina. Sarutobi's time will come when we can remove him as hokage and make someone more responsible and reasonable in office. A vote of no confidence must be put forth if konoha village is to become what Hashirama and Madara once envisioned. a village of Peace." Hearing this Kushina calmed down a bit and said." You do what you want I will do whatever I have to. I'm going to check on naruto. I'll see you later for dinner." And so. Kushina then walked back to naruto's room and when she had gotten there she couldn't help but wonder if her intuition is true and Hinata's the one he's in love with or if he's just trying to cope with the stress of the chuunin exams coming up???. No. That has to be it. She Saw it back in wave country. The way Hinata looked at him and he actually felt something. He felt like he was Loved. So she knocked on the door and naruto said."come in." And so treading on thin ice so to speak. She sat next to naruto and said." Hey naruto. Back in wave country.was there a moment where you. I don't know. Had feelings for Hinata???. Or was it just something that you were worried would ruin the mission???." Naruto just sighed and said." How long have you known???. " And Kushina said." Since we got back from the wave mission. Also. I'm your mother and we tend to know these things better than anyone else. So. When your ready. Your going to tell her right???." And naruto said." I guess I should just tell her and get it done with right???." And Kushina said." If it means putting your mind at ease then yes you should." Kushina then left and noticed that Mito never left she stood just within earshot to listen in and Mito said." I was right wasn't i???. He's in love with the Hyuga clan heiress isn't he???." And Kushina said." Yes.he is. But weather or not he tells her is his choice. But he's beginning to open up to me a little bit more. So there is progress being made between us and his father.we aren't perfect parents.true. but we're getting along. and to me that's what counts The most." And Mito said." You see. I told you that tobirama was right. Naruto was just looking for a much greater challenge to vent his emotions. Something I sensed was overdue from the very start."

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