chapter 3:naruto's final good deed.killing the root of konoha's corruption.

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Naruto had been planning for a full week now since stopping the uchiha clan coudetas and now it was time to put an end to All the corruption by ripping it's Roots from the ground. Litteraly. Naruto was about to kill The head of The illegal underground ANBU organization Root, danzo Shimura. Once he was out of the picture there would be no stopping the hokage from taking back The civilian and shinobi council. This was his final act to preserve peace in The village. The last good deed he was going to pull off even if it kills him so knowing that danzo had an army of at least 3000 shinobi under his command naruto would need to enlist the help of the uchiha and Hyuga clan. Their entire clans. And the entire Anbu squad. So now naruto was currently talking with The hokage and clan heads and said." Alright everyone here's the plan. I've been scouting out danzo's entire compound and noticed that there are numerous underground tunnels that leads all throughout the village these tunnels must be blocked off by The Hokage's ANBU forces with explosive tags cutting off their escape routes. Once they realized that the escape tunnels are blocked it's only a matter of time before danzo's realized what's happened and decided to investigate. That's where the Hyuga clan and uchiha clan comes in. The Hyuga clan will be the scouting party while The uchiha clan are front line infantry using this method we should be able to lure danzo into the open where I can take him out and the village will know The peace it once had since The first hokage. Any questions???." Hiashi Hyuga then asked and said." You talk about this as though you have done this before. your plan to use our long range vision to assist the uchiha clans front line fighting capabilities is a genius strategy. And yet you need The Hokage's entire Anbu shinobi forces to do what exactly???." And naruto said." Set up traps in the sewers and hidden exits around The village.then kill them all without mercy or prejudice." Itachi and his parents Then stepped up and said." We shall help in any way we can. It's been a while since we've been on The battlefield right Hitomi???." And Hitomi said." You bet. minato and Kushina sacrificed themselves to protect us from the kyuubi by sealing it inside naruto now it's our turn to honor them by helping him!!!." And Hiashi said." Just like old times right fugaku???.it's a shame Lord jiraia isn't here to see this." And naruto said." OH he's here alright.." naruto then threw a set of poisoned senbon needles out the window and towards the roof top across from The Hokage's office jiraia just barely dodged them and when he got into The office he said." KAMI!!! That was way to close when you told me naruto had become an assassin for the village and was highly skilled in all weapons and strategy!!!. You weren't joking Sensei!!!. What were those things drenched in kid???. Acid!?!?." And naruto said." No. That was cobra venom you smelled." Jiraia was shocked. His jaw Hit the floor as he couldn't believe he came so close to being fully paralyzed by snake venom. He then said." SNAKE VENOM!!!. ARE YOU STUPID OR INSANE!?!?. That stuff will kill you naruto." And naruto just pulled out a senbon needle and threw it at jiraia.once again jiraia dodged it but barely as he saw the Wall behind him begin to dissolve and naruto said." No. Just you. IF you get in my way." Hiruzen just sighed and said in irritation." Jiraia. I don't care if your a sannin or the hokage. This is naruto's operation.he is in charge of the forces your leading." And jiraia said." Fine kid. Your calling The shots where do you want me to be???." And naruto said underground in The sewers with the ANBU setting up traps. ALL the sewer tunnels. Since that's how they seem to be getting around unnoticed by the hokage." And jiraia said." No problem. I'll just setup a few explosives and Ninja wire. We Then arrest them and..." Naruto then said." Who said anything about arresting them???. No. We trap them then we kill them. Then we burn The bodies. No bodies no witness no evidence." Now jiraia was frightened by his own God son. To think naruto would be able to do that without even feeling remorse or guilt. Had the village really pushed him this far!?!?!?." Hiruzen then asked and said." So naruto.when does the operation begin???." And naruto said tonight when danzo and his ANBU are all in the same place. Storm The compound at midnight and be done by 3 am. Get in. kill danzo and his ANBU. Destroy The bodies.and get out. it's 11:30pm you All have your orders. now move out!!!." Not wanting to witness first hand how naruto would do this on his own jiraia and The entire Anbu demolition squad set up the explosives while naruto The uchiha and Hyuga clan All get into position. it was five minutes until show time and just as naruto predicted All the root Anbu and danzo gathered in The courtyard it was now midnight and The show was about to begin. Naruto then said through his com Link."Infantry squad move in!!!. Scouting squad relay any strays trying to escape to the demolition squad." The teams all then said in unison." Right!!!." And so The battle had begun and as naruto predicted danzo's few remaining Anbu tried escaping underground and naruto said through the ear piece." Demolition squad blow The tunnels and kill them All!!!. That was Jiraia's signal as jiraia said to The ANBU." You heard the kid light'em up leave no survivors!!!" And finally that left danzo to confused about what was happening until suddenly he felt like he was going to pass out he then looked down at his chest and noticed that there was an arrow in it but he couldn't move. So he tried calling out for his ANBU to save him but naruto just walked right up to him and said." Don't bother.their All dead. Your corruption in the council and this village has come to an end and now you die!!!!. Weasel dog finish him. And make it quick. We have a deadline to keep." Kakashi and itachi Then said." Yes sir." Kakashi then used his signature jutsu and yelled with blue lightning coming off his hand." CHIDORI!!!." ( SPLAT!!!). Kakashi put his hand through danzo's skull and watched as danzo fell to the ground lifeless. Itachi and his family then burned All of the bodies and washed away All the blood leaving no evidence of their presence jiraia and the ANBU corps were currently doing the same thing. jiraia wanted to interrogate one of them but they had their orders.

It was now 2:30am and they seemed to have gotten the mission done in a reasonable amount of time thanks to The amazing coordinated efforts and teamwork. Itachi then approached naruto and said." You Know naruto you should show this side of you during the day as well.perhaps with danzo and his ANBU gone you can rest peacefully now." And naruto said." I'm sorry itachi.but my purpose for konoha has been fulfilled I'm going to leave the village and hopefully find my own place to be happy. There's nothing for me to keep me here. Otherwise I would stay. Good bye. Brother."and with that said naruto ran off towards the village gate to leave and hopefully find his own happiness. Like his parents would have wanted him to.

It is now 3:00am and The Hyuga and uchiha clan families were as usual writing up a letter of shared adoption for naruto and went to the Hokage's office together to deliver it to Hiruzen personally. Mikoto fugaku Hiashi and Hitomi made it to the office and knocked on the door Sarutobi said."enter" The 4 clan heads did so and said with a heated amount of killing intent." Here!!!. This is the very last time that we The uchiha and Hyuga clan are requesting shared adoption custody of naruto uzumaki namikaze!!!. If you reject our reason for why then YOU have failed his parents!!!. Not us!!!. Since fugaku and I are his godparents and Hiashi and Hitomi are his secondary guardians minato and Kushina's Last wish to us was to take care of naruto!!!. He's leaving The village as we speak to find his own happiness in Life!!!. And I don't blame him!!!. He's got no family. No parents. No siblings or other blood relatives besides Lord jiraia and lady tsunade!!!. If you don't approve of the shared adoption Then we of the Hyuga and uchiha clan shall declare severance from the hidden leaf village!!!." Now Hiruzen was worried. The Hyuga and uchiha clan had been serving konoha for years now and to lose The sharingan and Byakugan bloodlines over something as Petty as a shared adoption for naruto worried him even more knowing that they had many good points and would most likely follow naruto wherever he had decided to go. So Hiruzen being careful with his next few words said." And if I chose to approve of the shared adoption application what guarantee do I have that your clan wouldn't try to use him against the village. Fugaku.mikoto???. The uchiha don't have The Best history when it comes to the kyuubi. And you, Hiashi. Let Hitomi. I can understand that you want to uphold minato and Kushina's last wishes for naruto that they told you. But that still isn't a good enough reason to allow this. So I must say your request has been..." Before Hiruzen could say denied. An anbu with a dog mask dropped in and said." Lord Hokage. I must report that naruto uzumaki has left the village. Before he left after the mission last night. He told weasel and myself that there was nothing for him to keep him here in the village otherwise he would stay. He is gone we've searched everywhere for him and like All assassin's. He's covered his tracks very well. The Inuzuka clan can't even pick up his scent!!!.  You should have just given him what his parents left him from the beginning." And Hiruzen asked.did you at least get a general idea of what direction he was headed before you lost his trail???." And The dog masked ANBU said." Based on where we last saw him vanish. We assume that he's heading towards the fire capital. We're certain that The daimio is his destination. With all due respect Lord Hokage. If he's made it to the daimio's palace by now we won't see him ever again. And if he is happy there I say we leave him alone." And Hiashi just laughed and said." Now do you see what your neglected actions towards naruto have caused Lord Hokage???. Naruto is gone. His heroic deeds will have gone unnoticed because he's afraid people will not see him as such. He has done in two weeks what you have neglected to do your entire life!!!. Grow a back Bone for once and remove the corrupt civilian council with people more trusting!!!." And Hiruzen yelled saying." AND JUST WHO DID YOU HAVE IN MIND?!??. FINDING PEOPLE WHO DON'T HATE NARUTO FOR WHAT HE CONTAINS ISN'T EASY!!!. YOUR ASKING ME TO FIND A NEEDLE IN A HEY STACK!!!. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!." And fugaku said." Then Let US decide Who can be trusted. The Ichiraku's are definitely a good place to start. From there we can try asking them if anyone else is against him or supportive of him. But those odds are quite slim." Just then a chuunin messenger shinobi came in and said." Forgive my intrusion Lord Hokage. But this message just arrived from the daimio and he's requested to speak with you. In person. At his palace. Tomorrow."  And Hiruzen said." Well that settles it. I'm screwed. And your still planning on severing All ties to the village if I DON'T approve of this shared adoption form. Aren't you???" And they all just said in unison." We are." Hiruzen sighed in defeat knowing that he would have no choice but to go to the daimio and explain everything to him. Now that he's thought about it. Naruto HAS done what he never had the guts to do. Naruto gave him back control of the village council. He was The third hokage. God of shinobi. And it's time he put his foot down and showed them who is the boss. And who are the advisors!!!. The council was in for a rude wake up call. And it started with the civilian council.

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