chapter 2:the uchiha massacre prevented

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Naruto's shadow clones were making their nightly security monitoring of The uchiha and Hyuga clan compounds when he noticed someone suspicious. They must have been an enemy spy for the hidden cloud to capture the Hyuga clan heir Hinata Hyuga and take her back to the hidden cloud where she would be used as a breeder for Byakugan users. This disgusted naruto to no end so he took out his bow and arrows and dipped The arrow Heads in cobra paralysis venom and fired it directly into The shinobi's back.the venom did it's Job and the hidden cloud no longer had a spy to take back to the raikage. He then vanished without a Trace leaving no evidence he was even there. 30 minutes later Hinata's father showed up and saw the fully paralyzed kumo shinobi The ANBU black ops showed up late as usual and Hiashi said anger clear in his voice." Where were you 30 minutes ago!?!?. My daughter was almost kidnapped by this kumo shinobi for our bloodline and someone else beat you to it!!!. I'm beginning to think that you ANBU aren't as good as you say. I'm reporting you to the hokage office and demanding to know who saved my daughter!!!."

Meanwhile at the uchiha clan compound shadow naruto was henged as an uchiha servant delivering a pot of green tea to the council elders but little do they know that their lives are already taken away by the shinigami since shadow naruto henged as little kimiko uchiha has ground up arsenic and black momba venom into The tea leaving no trace of his good deed to the uchiha family. He hated not leaving evidence but that was how he worked no bodies no evidence no one to track the poison back to. After delivering the 4 cups and pot of tea The uchiha elders said." Thank you. Your dismissed." Shadow naruto. or " kimiko uchiha" stepped out of the room and closed the door where fugaku,mikoto and itachi uchiha were waiting for the signal to enter The room and dispose of the bodies. They heard 4 loud (THUD) sounds as if someone was just murdered and they took it as the signal to enter. When they did, fugaku mikoto and itachi burned All of the bodies and washed away All of the scorch marks on the floor once again leaving no evidence of ever committing The act. Fugaku and mikoto then said." Thank you naruto for saving our clan. how may we repay you for your good deed???." And naruto said." Just knowing that my parents oldest and closest friends are safe and sound and still alive is enough.after all. Your my God parents. The closest thing I have to a family left by my parents. Just knowing you are safe is payment enough. Good night. Oba-san Oji-san." The clone then dispelled itself and the village council would be none The wiser to what naruto uzumaki does at night. That just left the biggest threat to the village and it would be completely purged of corruption for good. Danzo Shimura and his Root ANBU organization. Now that was going to take a lot of time and planning to pull off. It would be hard but for naruto uzumaki.not impossible.

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