More Time

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This was supposed to be a soulmate au but it kinda went in a different direction but it does end with soulmates and it's a happy ending so don't worry!

You'd hoped you would have had more time that this to find out. Unfortunately, when the end of the world starts, you don't really get to question the normality of the situation. You just run.

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It was a sunny friday afternoon, and you were in science class, staring out of the window and zoning out as the teacher starts to explain the homework you had to do for the weekend. It wasn't a big deal - your brain had science formulas and knowledge down, so it wasn't like you'd be struggling to do it. Plus, you could always pay your friends in chocolate to do your work for you, and copy from their notes.

A nudge from your side brought your attention back into the classroom. Your best friend, Rose, had lightly tapped you with her elbow, making you look up at her in confusion. You had been best friends since you were three, when your mothers met at the daycare you both attended. Since then, you had been inseparable and you were more family than friends.

'What's going on?' You whisper. She points frantically at her arm, letting out a quiet chuckle in amazement. Appearing on her arm were cursive words, scrawled small on her forearm. You stared at it, your eyes widening in wonder. You hadn't heard from your soulmate since a couple of weeks ago, when unintelligible words appeared, big and flowing over the section of your palm. You had been confused, until you looked closer and picked out the words, 'peanut butter cups', 'lollipops', and 'lots of chocolate'. Shaking your head, you realised the love note from your soulmate was really a grocery list. And that your soulmate is really unhealthy.

'What does it say? I can't read it well,' Rose whispers in reply. You squint your eyes, deciphering the small text. You let out a quiet gasp when you realise what it says.

'What?' She whispers urgently, eyes wide in curiousity. You take a quick glance at the teacher, who is working out how to upload a video onto the screen via the projector, and the class is talking loudly amongst themselves.

'It says, 'look behind you.' Rose, isn't that a little creepy?' You ask her. Her eyes widen even more, and she whips her head around to the table behind the two of you, her long brown locks lightly swishing in your face. You also look behind you, and see Robbie, grinning at Rose.

Rose turns back to you, a light blush creeping up on her cheeks. Robbie has been her crush since 3rd grade, and she let out a small squeal in delight. You smile widely, happy for her. She whispers an apology as she grabs her things and goes to join him at the table behind you too. You sigh softly, turning back to the sight outside of the classroom.

Nothing much was going on, except for two people outside. One appeared to be holding the other one by their shoulders, and the one being held was snapping at the other. You widen your eyes, confused at the situation. Then, their arms give way and they fall to the ground, the other landing on top of them. Blood pours from the body underneath, and is still. Around five minutes later, the one on top staggers up, blood around their mouths and smeared on their clothes. Their skin is a tinge of green; eyes a milky white. Peering into their eyes from a distance, there was nothing behind them. No soul, nothing.

The person laying on the ground however, were still and not moving. Their abdomen had been ripped apart, exposing their organs, which flopped onto the concrete beside them. Their neck was shredded open, and their faces were torn beyond recognition. The sight made your stomach lurch, and you scream in horror. The class rushes to the window, following your shaky arm gesturing in the direction. Their eyes on the figure made it rush toward the classroom, running into it and falling onto the ground at the force of slamming into the door. The door, which was made of glass, cracked a little bit, which made everybody in the classroom scream. You stand on top of your workbench, pulling Rose up beside you, who pulled Robbie up in turn. The figure stood up again and rushed back toward the door, the sickening crack of the glass echoing in the panic-ridden room.

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