Chapter 8

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Jack was lying facing his wife, she looked peaceful. He’d missed waking up to her beautiful face. He slowly stroked her cheek causing her to smile. “Good morning my love.”

“Morning Bunny.”

Jack grinned and kissed her lips. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“I had the best dream.” Jack said.


“You and I were at the Cape with the family and I met Ed, your right he is quite boring compared to our antics.”

Jackie laughed. “Oh I’ve missed you.”

“31 years Jackie we’ve been apart but I feel I never left you.”

“You never left me; I always felt your presence.” Jackie replied taking his hand.

“Do the kids remember me?”

“Of course they do, everyone talked to them about you. John’s your double it was adorable when he was little. John was so thoughtful.”


“He was studying and he was showing me something in his textbook when he said close your eyes. I did but I had a quick peek at what he was doing and he ripped the page out with us in the car in Dallas.”

Jack nodded. “They care deeply for you Jackie.”

“I know and I love them so much.”

“Me too I just wish I had got to spend longer with them.” Jack replied.

“You can meet them soon.”

Jack nodded.

Jackie massaged his back. “What’s it like living without pain?”

“The best thing in the world, I don’t know how I suffered it.”

“Because you wanted to succeed in life.”

Jack laughed and kissed his wife. “So what do you want to do today Mrs Kennedy?”

Jackie froze it had been a long time since she’d been called Mrs Kennedy. “I don’t mind surprise me.”

“Sailing it is.”

Jackie laughed. “I could have guessed.”

They kissed before getting up and ready. Jackie loved being with Jack again; she’d missed him so much.

Mr and Mrs KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now