8.) Trigger Warning

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same day

"This isn't even the right tire," Renae giggled.

King smirked, walking toward the back of the garage to grab the right tire, "I was wondering how long it would take you to catch on."

They've been out there for 40 minutes working on that single tire.

"Why did you let me put it on then?" She squinted at him

Chuckling, King began rolling the tire in her direction. "You were focused on making it fit."

"You watched me struggle with all these bolts and lug nuts and whatnot just for a laugh?" She asked wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"Maybe." He said, truth was he just wanted to put a smile on her face and so far things have been going well.

"That's mean." She spoke removing the bolts.

"Don't insult me like dat." He said sitting next to her and she smiled shyly.

"Wrong one." He spoke when she picked up the smaller-sized lug nut. "Oh, now you wanna help?" She asked trying not to smile.

"I mean if you don't need my help, I'll go inside and play two k." He stated ready to get up but she stopped him.

Laughing, he picked up the right bolt and handed it to her after putting the tire in place.

"Thank you." She acknowledges.

"Yup," he replied, watching her carefully.

"Ever thought of becoming a mechanic or like running your own car business?" She asked.

"I had my thoughts, I'm just focused on getting back some money I lost. It's expensive as hell to live out here and they pay folks below minimum wage."

"Yeah, that's always been an issue here. Rent is like twelve hundred to sixteen hundred, with jobs only paying seven to ten dollars and most the time they don't even give people forty hours." She told him as she put the last bolt in.

"Guess that's why niggas turn into criminals," he mumbled then cleared his throat, "you ever think about going to college?"

"Sometimes... I just got a lot going on right now... would not be a smart move for me mentally." Fanning herself, she stood up to stretch.

"What would you take up if you did decide to go?" He queried, standing as well and walked over towards the mini fridge grabbing a bottled water.

"Honestly... I'm not sure. I like poetry, I like writing but then again I like makeup and hair."

"What are you afraid of?" He decided to ask while popping the hood to one of Malik's old cars.

"Not so much of me being scared... but moreso of what I'm dealing with."

"Things like what?" He stared at her.

"Some stuff I'm not sure if I'm ok to talk about with you yet," she softly admitted.

King nodded, "You don't trust me?"

"I do... you haven't given me a reason not to... it's just I'm not okay with how my life is right now... tha— that's all."

From the tone in her voice, King decided to leave it alone. "Das' fair, I can be ok with dat, at least I got you smiling a luh bit."

Renae shifted her gaze to the ground.

King stared at her for a moment then smiled, "We gon' work on you shying away."

Renae glanced at him and flashed a quick smile.

Renae Dreams (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now