24.) Trigger finger

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EGYPT's House
August 12th (Renae's birthday)

"You just got here?" Dajon asked opening the door for Kingston who looked extremely exhausted.

"Yeah, did y'all hear anything yet?" He asked slapping hands with Bryson and Malik.

"Not yet, the police said since she's grown they can't label it as a runaway or missing persons report because she could be at a "friends house" wanting to get away from us." Egypt announced and King furrowed his brows.

"That's because you told them she had a history of ignoring you and then they pulled her records and saw that she was checked into a damn mental facility." Dajon told him and King gave Egypt a funny look.

"Do you even care about her? It's like every chance you get to change, you find some way to down talk her." He spoke and Bryson gave him a look.

"How many times do I have to tell yo ass just because you're fucking my daughter don't give you a right to disrespect me?" She spat getting up and Kingston chuckled.

"First of all." He began as he side stepped Bryson and Dajon.

"If you think your daughter is having sex, dat shows how much you don't talk to her. If you would like ta know, she is very much still a virgin and it's not disrespect if I'm stating blatant facts." He told her and she cocked her head.

"Every time something goes wrong, you find a reason to throw me not paying enough attention to her in my face."

"Because you don't!" He yelled.

"And you do?!"

"I pay more attention than you do! Who in dis house knows her better than me? No fucking body!" He snapped.

Dajon went to speak up but Egypt started yelling and cursing and King started yelling right on back.

"YOU DON'T LOVE HER!" His voice roared and the room grew quiet.

Everyone unsure of what to say because if truth be told, majority of them thought the same thing but only King had the balls to say it.

"What did you just say?" She asked on the verge of tears.

Before he could repeat himself, there was a knock at the door.

Dajon rushed to open it only to be disappointed seeing that it was just Keenan.

"Y'all ain't hear anything from her yet?" He asked and Dajon shook his head walking into the kitchen.

King looked at Egypt then went and sat down.

"What I miss?" Keenan asked after slapping hands with Malik.

"Nothing." Bryson replied getting up to open the door.

Opening the door, everyone stood frozen looking at a very distraught Renae.

"Oh my God." Egypt spoke covering her mouth as she examined Renae's ripped clothes and bruised face.

"Zuri? What happened?" Bryson asked reaching for her but she held her hands and shook her head as lip began to tremble.

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