44.) Death wish

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November 12th

"We can go back to Aunt Tamia's house if this is too much?" Renae announced as she walked alongside Dajon as they walked the front street of the neighborhood.

He was released from the hospital 2 days ago but he would have to use crutches to walk for about a month.

"Nah, I need to do this, I'll be fine." He assured as they began to approach the green tank.

"Have you and King talked yet?" He asked as they stopped to catch a break.

"Yeah...we spoke at his mom's house. I also apologized." She answered and he smirked.

"Oh so YOU apologized?" He teased and she laughed nudging him.

"Oh hush, but yes I did and I may have cried a little too." She said and he laughed at the face she made.

"You are such a baby." He joked.

"Well let me be that, at least I said sorry."

"Mhm did y'all get the results back?" He asked. "Not yet, the Doctor said he has a few more days."

"Are you nervous?" He questioned.

"At first... but I believe him. I just hope the paper matches his words." She admitted.

"I'm sure it will." He told her as a black car crept up.

Dajon noticed it first and reached for Renae's hand.

"What? You're in pain?" She asked worriedly. "Don't look back, just walk." He whispered pulling her on the other side of him.

"Who is it?" She asked pulling her phone out her pocket.

"The niggas that shot me." He mumbled picking up the pace.

"We gotta cut through the alley." She whispered seeing them speed up.

"Go." He asserted. "No, you need to be in front are you crazy?" She asked calling King as she pushed him forward.

"Helluh?" King answered just as the sounds of tires screeching and gun shots went off.

Hearing Renae's scream made him jump out the chair.

"RENAE?!" He yelled grabbing Malik's arm and dragged him out the barbershop.

"NAE!" Dajon yelled trying to get up but the first shooter had the gun pointed right at his temple.

"You should've played dead." He spoke before hitting him with the butt of the gun.

Looking around, he ran towards the car as the driver forced Renae inside the trunk.



15 minutes later

Rushing out the car, King ran over towards Dajon ignoring the police calling for him.

"Where is she?! Where is she?!" He asked frantically.

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