42.) Miracles

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October 30th, 2015

"Where the hell your ass been?!" Tamia asked pulling Egypt inside.

"With Ahmed." She answered fixing her shirt.

"Do you know the damn police raided your place?"

"Why you think I've been with Ahmed? I can't go to jail." She stressed rubbing her arm and Tamia stared at her.

"Getting high huh? Do you even know where your son is?" Tamia asked following her into the living room.

"Mind your business and here. That's the last place you told me."

Laughing disgustedly, Tamia shook her head.

"He got shot a month ago E!! He's been in the fucking hospital for a month and there has been no change in his recovery! He's dying but by the grace of God he's holding on!" She yelled as she fought to keep the tears in.

"Shot?! By who? Why didn't you call me?!" E croaked jumping up and Tamia looked at her like she were crazy.

"How? You ran from here remember? You chased after that no good sorry excuse for a man while your kids needed you! I needed you! Where were you when I lost my husband huh? You were out getting high! It's always been me and Bryson taking care of them kids when YOU should have and now that boy is in that hospital fighting for his life because of you!" She snapped getting in Egypt's face.

"You ruined those kids! You chose the drugs over them and tried to put the blame on Ahmed. It was you Egypt! You did this and I am sick of you crying and playing the victim!"

Crying, Egypt reached out for her but Tamia backed away.

"Get out, you don't want help and I can't do this anymore. After twenty years and you still haven't changed. Mom died wanting better for you and you couldn't even change. Get out E, I'm done." Pointing towards the door, Egypt went to say something but Tamia stopped her.

"Out." She gritted, wiping under her eyes, Egypt walked away slowly and headed towards the door.

Sitting down, Tamia covered her mouth as she broke down.

Twenty plus years she has been babying Egypt only to get slapped in the face each time.

She lost her husband in combat and Egypt was too busy hiding in a hotel room getting too high to care.

Bryson got tired of it and walked away when she should have but that's her sister so she stayed down.

But she couldn't do it anymore.

Not this time.



"Have you spoken to Kingston?" Dajon asked Renae as they laid in the bed staring up at the ceiling.

They moved him to a much bigger room to make him feel comfortable.

"I can't talk to him." She spoke then sighed.

"I don't want to believe it but she's six and half months... I could barely tell." She added.

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