Love Me

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Ambw imagine enjoy loves

"His parents hate me they want him to date a Korean girl". "I told you not to date one of them small d*ck Asians" "He is far away from being small girl". "Mkay girl when does he have to choose?" "Tonight at dinner I am so nervous". "It will be okay anyway how is he in bed girl?" "HONEY he can hit it from the back and knock me all the way out and he is kind of kinky". "Well what does he do wrong in the bedroom I know he does something wrong every man does or woman". "Well he does kind of cum a little too early". "I knew it girl". "You knew something was wrong about my man wow". "Sorry sis but he just sounded too perfect". "Whatever bestie call you later when I am omw". "Okay bye". "Bye". Vernon heard everything. "Hi babe you look nice". "Thank you honey you look handsome yourself". "Can I talk to you for a minute"? "Yeah sure"? "I over you talking on the phone and I heard you say that I cum too early". "OMG I am so sorry but you kind of do I just want to enjoy it before we cum and yeah sorry". "That's fine baby maybe I could try to wait a little longer but I also heard I could knock you out from hitting it from behind". "Yeah you can its amazing". "Well are you tired". "Yeah". "Well come on let's go". "Where are we going"? "Your the bedroom so I can put you to sleep". "Okay".

Time Skip to When you get your best friend.

"Hey girl hey Vernon". "You finally got my name right". "Look don't get smart with me I will punch you in the throat". "Hey no fighting we have to be polite okay". "But why?". "Because w-we have to". "Whatever". "We are here are you ready girls". "As ready as I
will ever be". "Babe you okay?". " Yup just um nervous". "Don't be".  He kissed me. "Let's go a bitch hungry". "Okay let's go". "Hey Mom and Dad". "Why hello son I see you have brought her and her friend". "She has a name". "Whatever". "Who the-". "Shut it".  "Fine".
After two hours
"So what is your decision". "Well I love you guys and I love My baby as well so.." "Baby girl would you make me that happiest man alive on this Earth and Marry me"? " YESS would love to marry you". "Son how dare you". "I have other family who loves my relationship like my aunt and uncle and....". "My real parents". Gasp were all that were heard. " But how?". "I am not stupid". "Leave". "Fine". "I love I". "I Love Me". Those were the words you had said to each other when you were little". It was a promise to love yourself before anyone else. "I now pronounce you Mrs. And Mr."
"You may now kiss the bride". "I love you". "I love you too". He kissed me sweetly. "Let's get some food now". "Haha".

What happened to Vernon's "Parents"? They got arrested for trying to kill his real parents.

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