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    It had been five years since Niklaus had met Lya. He was a man of seventeen and she was four years his younger, slowly becoming a very beautiful maiden.

     His hair had grown longer, nearly at his shoulders and became darker. His eyes grew a deeper, dark blue losing their innocent touch. Her hair grew darker, nearly a coal black. Her eyes became a bright blue and not losing any of their purity.

     If anything, Lya became more pure as she became older. She used to be so commanding and would dive into actions that were reckless such as climbing the tree. She had mellowed out and was turning into a true maiden.

    She was involved in the chores that of her mother would do as any girl her age would be. She did the chores that of a housewife would do, the chores that Rebekah started doing as well.

     Lya and Rebekah became friends over the past few months. He'd often catch them laughing together while braiding each other's hair. But even with her fast friendship with his sister, she still spent most of her time with him.

     "You've been spending a lot of time with my sister," Niklaus commented one day while she was hanging clothes up to dry.

      She bumped him with her shoulder, "Are you jealous?"

      He rolled his eyes, "Of course not."

      "It's just that we have a lot in common now," she answered seriously.

       "Like what?" Niklaus asked, not understanding what she meant.

       Lya blushed and answered, "Let's just say we're both women now."

       Niklaus furrowed his eyebrows before it dawned on him and he paled, "Lya! I could've gone without that information."

      Lya giggled at his disgusted look, "You asked. It's not like you haven't seen blood before."

       "But it's think of you that way," Niklaus responded.

       "What way?" she asked.

        "Fit to bear children," Niklaus answered quietly. "You'll have many suitors."

        "There's only one I want," she said and turned away from him as she bit her lip. She had quite the crush on Niklaus. She didn't know when it had started but perhaps it had been there as long as she had known him.

       Niklaus clenched his jaw as he tried to think of who she wanted but he could not find an answer and it made him upset, "Who?"

     Lya looked at him, deciding he wasn't ready to know that it was he whom she admired and replied cryptically, "You'll see one day."

     Lya had no idea that day would never come.


    Lya was filling up a large wooden pail with water. She had carried one from her hut to the river and her arms ached from carrying it. She could only imagine how heavy it would be when she filled it with water. She wiped the sweat from her brow when a voice startled her.

     "Let me help you, Lya," Niklaus offered, but before she could agree he had already grabbed the bucket and filled it with water.

      "Nik, if you keep helping me, I will not be able to lift anything," Lya exaggerated.

      Niklaus smirked, "I don't help you all the time."

      "Yes, you do," she put her hands on her hips.

      "Perhaps, I do," he smiled softly and mused. "But I just want to take care of you."

      Lya blushed and smiled widely at him. Niklaus was caught in her stare but he took a deep breath and grabbed the bucket, carrying it back for her while she walked alongside him.

     As they walked, Lya noticed how easy it was for him to carry the large pail. She discreetly took in the strength of his arms and bit her lip. He was becoming quite the skilled warrior and he would no doubt make a fine match for some virgin maiden one day. It put an ill feeling in her heart thinking of Niklaus with some other girl.


    Lya had convinced Niklaus to teach her how to wield a sword. They practiced in the caves where they would hide on full moons when the werewolves came out.

      Their dull edged sparring swords clashed together and Niklaus moved swiftly. He was too quick for her and she stumbled, falling to the ground. Niklaus held the sword towards her neck to prove a point, "This is where you would be dead."

     He dropped the sword to his side and he went to hold a hand out to her to pull her up but she kicked out his leg, sending him toppling to the ground on top of her. He caught himself before he could fully crush her with his hands on the ground beside either side of her head.

     "And you should never be taken off your guard," Lya said, smirking.

      He smiled down at her and he became lost in her blue eyes. It was at that moment that he realized how close they were mashed together. He quickly separated from her and stood up, thinking of how her father would crush him if he ever saw them in that position. But also, in his mind, she was still just his friend and would not like to think impure thoughts about her.

      "We should go," he held out his hand to her and she took it as he pulled her up. She nodded with flushed cheeks and met his eyes. He saw the rose tint of her cheeks and he quite liked the idea of her flustered because of him. His cheeks burned at the thought and he quickly turned, heading out of the cave with her following. He hid her practice sword at the entrance.

       He walked her to back to her hut because he wasn't going to leave her alone without protection. They walked with a quite a few feet between them, the awkward tension separating them. They stopped when they were close to her family home.

      Niklaus did not expect anything to be said or done. He thought she'd simply walk into her home and he'd leave, but Lya stepped over to him. She stood on the tips of her toes and kissed his cheek so delicately, hoping to convey how precious he was to her by the soft touch of her lips.

      "Goodnight, Niklaus."

      Lya walked off with a smile and Niklaus stood there staring after her. He touched his burning cheek where her lips had been. He smiled softly before turning and leaving once he saw her safely inside.

AN: I know Lya is only thirteen and she's quite young. But in Viking times, that was not young. Most girls got married at around 12-16 I believe so having a crush or a romance at this time is normal.

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