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It was only two weeks before the wedding when the two lovers would finally get their forever with each other. But many preparations had to be done; one of them included hunting for the feast. Niklaus was going on a hunt alone with his father.

"Come back to me," Lya pecked his lips as she rested her hands against his cheeks.

He smiled down at her, "Always."

Lya was worried for him, not because of anything in the wild, but because of a monster right at home. She feared Mikael would hurt her beloved as he'd done many times before.

But Lya also couldn't wait for Niklaus to return. The hunt would take many days and she planned to tell him the news that they were expecting when he returned. The most likely time to lose a child would be passed by then.

She watched Niklaus go with a hopeful heart, one full of awaiting joy. As their future seemed all so bright like that of the sunflower she gave to Niklaus when she first met him just about to bloom.


Lya frowned as she sat at the long table with her family. She felt faint as she smelt the meat; it made her sick most of the time. She tried to keep a straight face but it wasn't working and she was becoming feverish as the urge to vomit overcame her. She tried to hold it in as no one knew of her condition except her mother and Esther.

          "Lya needs to be excused," her mother touched her forehead. "She looks ill."

           Her father looked up with concerned expression, "What's wrong with my daughter?"

            "I'm sure she'll feel better in the morning. I'll make her rest," her mother gestured for her to come and she followed to her room.

           "I'll bring you some supper later without the meat," her mother smoothed her hair down as she breathed deeply to keep the urge to vomit down.

           "Thank you, Mother," she smiled before hugging her.

         Her mother squeezed her tight and held her close, "I will always look after you. I will miss you, Lya, my youngest child."

          Tears automatically came to her eyes due to the hormones. She knew she'd be able to see her family whenever she liked after the betrothal but it wouldn't be like before. She wouldn't be the young child dependent on her family anymore because she'd be starting her own.

          "I will miss you, too, Mother."


        With Niklaus gone, she spent most of her time with Rebekah. They completed their chores together and today they were at the river washing clothes.

          "I get to call you my sister so soon," Rebekah chatted excitedly.

           "Rebekah, you are already my sister," Lya smiled towards the younger girl before she frowned. It came on suddenly, the sick feeling and she quickly leaned over, vomiting into the river.

            Rebekah worried, "Are you ill?"

           Lya breathed quickly as vomiting passed and she looked at Rebekah. She shook her head as caught her breath.

          "If you are not ill, then..." Rebekah started to question before she gasped. "Mother told me you get sick when you are with child. Are you?"

           She nodded and Rebekah grinned, "Have you thought of names?"

           "Some," Lya spoke quietly. "But you can't tell anyone Rebekah. I haven't told Nik yet."

           "I promise," Rebekah swore. "But when are you telling him?"

             "When he returns."

               Rebekah squealed, "I can not wait to see the look on his face."

               Lya chuckled, "Neither can I."


            Lya and Rebekah walked back to the village together but as they got closer they heard screams and fighting. They dropped their baskets of clothes. Lya grabbed Rebekah's hand, "Stay with me."

            Lya was going to lead them back to the river but once they started towards it, a group of tan-skinned, long, black-haired men, the Skraelings, were coming through the woods towards them. "Run," Lya shouted.

            The two girls took off towards the village with arrows buzzing through the air right near them. They screamed when one came too close but they kept their hands locked together so they didn't get separated.

           They made it to the village and there was fighting everywhere. Lya knew the best place to be would be close by to either her or Niklaus' family where they could be protected. The Mikaelson family longhouse was closer so that's where they went, hiding behind things as they made their way through the fighting.

           They got close and she could see Elijah who had just slain down an enemy and she shouted for him, "Elijah!"

           He looked around until his eyes landed on them. His face held relief once his eyes landed on Rebekah. He ran towards them and his eyes focused on something behind them. She turned to see a group of two Skraelings approaching them. Lya grabbed Rebekah and ran towards Elijah.

           Elijah met both of them head on. He injured one with his sword who stumbled to the side and he focused on the other. The injured one stumbled towards them and gained a bit of energy as he lunged towards Rebekah but Lya pushed Rebekah out of the way, taking her place. Lya was tackled to the ground and she immediately struggled to get away.

         "Elijah!" Rebekah screamed as she cried for the person she thought of as a sister.

          Lya was nearly halfway gone from the heavy weight above her but her struggling had to stop once he brought out a knife. He aimed the knife at her abdomen and she caught his wrist with her hands; her muscles strained as she tried to hold his arm away so the knife couldn't reach her.

          But her strength didn't match his.

         The knife pierced her stomach and she gasped at the pain as tears came to her eyes. Her strength completely fell away as the knife was driven deeper into her flesh.

           Then he pulled the knife out only to raise it up to stab her again and she pleaded, "No, no."

          But the knife was driven into her flesh again. And again. And again. The sharp, piercing pain was the only thing she knew along with the blood filling her mouth.

          He went to raise the knife a fifth time but a sword was driven through his stomach and he fell to the side. Elijah was revealed and guilt shone on his face once he looked at her. So many events happened in a matter of seconds.

         Elijah knelt down next to her; it was safe to take a moment. The attack was nearly over with the village as the victors. His hand hovered over her wounds as a tear fell from his eye, an apology on his lips, "Lya..."

         "There's nothing to forgive," Lya answered before he could even speak.

           Rebekah, uncontrollably sobbing, knelt down next to Elijah, and he rested a hand on her back to comfort her. "M-Mother can f-fix this, Lya. I know it."

             Lya coughed, spitting up blood. She wanted to be brave and hopeful for Rebekah but the pain became too much and she was terrified of what she knew awaited her. Lya started to sob, "Don't tell Nik, Rebekah. Don't tell him."

              "But Lya..."

               "Just tell him I love him."

           And their bright future faded in a blink of an eye. Sometimes, only a piece of forever can be attained.

Forever Love-Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now