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     Two more years had passed. Lya was a woman of fifteen and Niklaus was a man of nineteen. In the years that passed, they had drifted apart, restricted by the barriers of time that told them a girl must do one thing and a boy another.

     Lya, like Niklaus predicted, had become a beautiful maiden. Since she was a girl, she had certain standards she had to live up to. She was supposed to remain pure and unspoiled until marriage; her rather close relationship with Niklaus would've started rumors and that was something her father forbid.

       She now understood what her, now married, sister went through when she was her age. It was all so unfair. But she followed the rules, most of the time. The times she didn't were when she was quite rebellious. She snuck out at night to meet Niklaus in the woods that surrounded their village.

       One of those nights she laid on the tall grass creating an indentation of a person. She was looking up at the stars, the fire spirits in the sky, trying to count all of them but she quickly gave up; instead, she just marveled at their beauty. Her favorite star was Loki's Torch. Niklaus sat behind her and his fingers were playing with the long strands of her hair that were sprawled out on the ground.

       "Nik, do you really think the Gods are watching us?" Lya asked.

     Niklaus gazed at her moonlit face, studying how beautiful she looked. Her bright blue eyes looked ghostly and hypnotizing as the moonlight danced across them. It took him a moment to answer her question.

      "I hope so," Niklaus responded as he thought. He hoped the Gods were watching and decided to place Lya in his life, forever.

      Lya turned onto her stomach. Her elbows ground into the dirt as she placed her hands on her cheeks. She looked at him intently, studying him before a smile slowly formed on her face, "I hope so, too."

    His heart thundered in his chest as she looked at him. He wasn't sure what she did to him; if she was a witch like his mother and had placed a curse on him, but he wanted this curse to last forever. With a simple look, she put a heart attack in his chest. But it felt right, it felt real. It felt painful. But he wouldn't have it any other way. He wanted her and whatever pain she lay to rest on him.

      And pain is what he would receive.


    Lya was throwing out feed for the chickens in their coop when she noticed her father and five of her brothers file out. Her eldest brother was set to inherit her father's position in the village, be the fierce-some warrior and her elder brother had become quite skilled just like her father. Her father was now old and weathered, sporting a grey beard and wrinkles. But he still possessed great strength and still proved his worth in battles.

     When she saw the entourage of her male family members strapping weapons to them, she knew they were going out on a raid. The Skraelings, people not of their own, battled them over and over again. Her people went on raids to push them back farther from them but the Skraelings would gain ground again which resulted in continuous raids.

      She hurried over to her family just as her mother said her goodbyes. Like her mother, she said her goodbyes to her siblings. She was never very close with any of them. Her brothers did very different things than she did, but she loved them all the same.

      "I wish you luck, Father," Lya said and her father pulled into her hug which always felt like a mighty bear was holding her because of how massive her father was.

      "We will all be back before you know it," Úlfarr assured and let her go. "Do not fret."

      She always admired her father for his lack of worry. He took in problems as they came to him and if he died, so be it. He had lived his life, he often told her. She wished she was gifted a life like him, living a good life, a fair one.

     But fair was not in the cards for her.

     She was lost in her thoughts when her father turned back to her, shifting awkwardly on his feet like the topic made him uncomfortable. "I believe"

     "Her admirer," one of her brothers teased and then another chimed in. "Secret lover."

      Lya blushed a deep red and glared at her brothers who were all laughing. They only stopped once her mother stepped in and sent them a strong glare. They shut up immediately.

      "That boy of yours," her father mumbled. "He will be among the raid today."

       "I have to go see him off, Father," Lya said, picking up her skirts so they wouldn't drag in the dirt or trip her, she ran to his part of the village.

      Niklaus was next to Elijah while talking to Kol and Rebekah who were wishing them a farewell. Kol could've gone on a raid, he was of age, but he was allowed to be exempt from these things. He was going to be the next village healer for his skill in magic.

     "You two have to be careful," Rebekah, only thirteen, insisted. "Especially you, Nik. You have to come back to Lya."

     "Rebekah, not this again," Niklaus said, his cheeks reddening slightly at the mention of Lya. "We are only friends."

      "Then what's with all the sneaking out, brother?" Kol teased and Elijah chuckled as he too knew where Niklaus went in the night.

     Niklaus became tongue tied and he didn't know what to say but he didn't have to say anything because suddenly he heard the shouting of his name, "Nik!"

      Niklaus immediately turned his head at the first sound of that voice. Rebekah beamed at seeing Lya coming and she was full on grinning because of the god-smacked look that appeared on her brother's face. Kol just started laughing harder, the lovesick look on his brother's face being too funny.

     Niklaus glared at Kol and took steps away from his family so he could talk to Lya with a bit of privacy. Lya stopped in front of him, her face flushed from running and her hair wind blown, but she still looked beautiful.

     "Nik," she smiled.

      "Lya," he couldn't but smile back.

      Lya stepped towards him and leaned up, pressing her lips to his cheek. A kiss that made his stomach do somersaults, made his head fuzzy, and his blood feel like fire as his entire being felt warm like he was alive with joy.

      "Be careful," she pulled away, peering at him with her bright blue eyes, commanding him to do as she said. "Come back to me."

       He nodded, not being able to form a response and she stepped back before turning away and walking back to her hut. He stood there like a statue, staring after her until Elijah put his hand on his shoulder. Come back to her he would; he always would.

       "Brother, you will have to wake up from that muddled mind of yours," Elijah advised. "We have a battle we must face."

AN: I tried to be as accurate with Viking ways as possible with their naming things and what not. The Skraelings by the way aren't something I made up; the Skraelings are Indians. It's just what the Vikings called them.

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