𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙹𝚘𝚋 "𝙾𝚖𝚐𝚒𝚖𝚜𝚘𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍" 𝙵𝚊𝚒𝚛

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(♧ ︎- Author's note)

New ♧︎: i'm writing this much later on but the first several chapters are under editing so just a heads up but each chapter does get more detailed, lengthy and (hopefully) better as you read along!

Original ♧︎: hi! This book and future volumes will cover most of the games such as re 1 onwards and perhaps completely original stories or alternate stories mentioned in the comics and/or Resident Evil Chronicles series. Basically, this means that in the future books there will be more x readers such as Leon x reader, Carlos x reader and pretty much most of the characters mentioned in each game :)

Based on the games: Resident Evil (1996) and Resident Evil Remake (2002) owned by Capcom.

7th October 1996:

So, today's the day. I'm finally gonna look for a job.

Honestly...I'm pretty excited. It's just gonna be strange without my Mom here to give me pointers and advice, that kinda thing y'know? The last time I had a job she was with me to help out but then I moved into my own place. I figured that now I'm on my own, it's best if I muster up some motivation and do this shit myself.

I've always liked that sense of independence from getting a job. Makes you flush with pride. Well, until that job starts the suck and you get bored and quit and then the cycle repeats....

Anyway, (f/n) should be here pretty soon to drive me to a job fair not far from here. It's in the middle of Raccoon City if I remember right. She's never let me down yet but I can't help but keep my fingers firmly crossed.

I live just on the outskirts of Raccoon and I've not been here that long. Believe it or not, I've never been to the actual heart of the city yet but looks like this is my opportunity to do so. Apparently the crime rate is extremely high there and the city is known to have dodgy stuff going on in back allies at night. Wonder if it'll seem anything like its reputation when I get there...


"Jeezus (f/n) gimme a break!" My response is manic but the loud knocking of my best friend is more than a little distracting, "You know what I'm like in the morning!"

I've been up for a good few hours but that doesn't stop the sluggish feeling in my limbs and head.

A smash from my door tells me that she's found a particularly loud way to enter the flat. Looks like I need to make a mental note to take my spare key off her.

"Damn, sorry (y/n) I just can't wait! I mean imagine how many hot dudes will be there! Maybe even girls? Holy- Jesus it's gonna be packed and omgimsoexcited...." She trails off with a dazed look on her face and I can't help but blow out a long breath.

I swear to god this woman has not stopped hitting on people ever since she turned 18 a couple years back. She always teases me about how even though we're the same age, she's several months older which somehow makes me "still a baby". I'm literally an adult and besides it's months, just because she's a bit older doesn't make me 12.

"Yeah yeah whatever," I yawn and stretch my arms high, regretting my decision to stay up all night having a super long movie marathon, "Anyway what time does this fair thing start?"


I roll my eyes as (f/n) checks her wrist, the tip of her tongue poking out slightly, "Damn, we have 5 minutes to get there before it gets busy." She finally answers with a grimace, eyes still locked on her watch.

"Shit. We better get going," I tell her and grab the the keys to my car from the kitchen counter.

If we move, we move NOW. No way in hell am I gonna risk being in a packed building in the hot weather, slick with sweat that's not my own.

"Heck yeah—"

I put a finger to my lips and grin at her as I open the front door.

"I love you but I need my sanity for at least 5 hours, ok?"

(f/n) mock-glares and pouts at me. Heck, that woman could talk for America if someone let her. One time we were hanging out while watching movies; she was talking and I fell asleep. I woke up at least 3 hours later and she was still talking.

Heading down the stairs and outside the door, the fresh morning air hits me like a ton of bricks; a good ton of bricks. If that makes any sense at all. I guess fresh air really does clear your head, especially in the morning and you feel like the living death. Hopefully I don't look like it; I don't trust my mirror.

Sighing, I mutter, "R.I.P jobless life," and get into my car, (f/n) in the passenger seat.

On that note, we speed off down the road, well, more like plod down the road but I like to exaggerate, ok? As I drive, (f/n) starts singing her heart's content out to some song on the radio. She's always been bubbly and always finds something to feel happy at. That's what I like about her.

The sun shines brightly through the window and warms the side of my cheek. I've got a good feeling about today. Getting a job is like starting a new chapter — makes you feel self-accomplished. You've got your own source of income, you've got new responsibilities and fingers crossed, new friends.

My street is pretty quiet I'd say. I've got a whole mix of people here: kids, elderly people, married people, single people. Not to sound creepy but whenever my electric bill runs out and I'm trapped in complete silence and boredom, it's pretty fun to watch everyone doing their thing from my window. I just find it fascinating to see how different people are. One of the guys that live opposite me is a stuck-up businessman who thinks he's better than everyone else so it was great to see the local kids egg his car, as brutal as it was. Then again, what goes around comes around so I hold no sympathies.

I'm pretty sure I know the directions to the city thanks to my limited understanding of maps. I may have lied when I said I haven't been to the city. When I was much younger, my grandma would take me to the mountains and forest around there but I don't remember much so I was fairly truthful, memory-wise.

I'd say I'm fairly active — or at least when I want to be — so I'm looking for a physically demanding job but I'm not too fussed. Whatever I can get my hands on should be ok with my family, as long as it's not working at some dull store. I want something exciting, something I can enjoy.

My brain wakes up thanks to the fresh, cool air and I inhale a breeze of positivity. I'm not pessimistic or anything but I'm not easily excited either, at least not anymore. I won't lie, living in an apartment by yourself forces you to repeat things you enjoy doing so much that they become boring.

Well, with any luck, this new job will hopefully re-ignite my interests again but all I can do is wait and see wh—

"Ohhhh yeahhh....you know it..."

I turn my head to look at (f/n), singing her heart out and I raise my eyebrows.

Never mind my monologue then. At least she's having fun, seeing someone happy is contagious so maybe she'll rub off on me in a little while; god knows I need it.

There's not much further to go now. Maybe for once I'll actually choose a decent job but I guess we'll see.

It better be a good job though — for my boss's sake.

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