𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟸: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 "𝙼𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚘𝚝-𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍" 𝙻𝚊𝚋𝚜

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25th July 1998:

Holding Rich's weapon tight in my hands, almost sensing him there with me, I walk over and push the doors open hard. Oh fantastic.

A zombie dressed in a lab coat turns at the sound of the door and reaches its hands out, jaw slack and dripping with fluids. I purse my lips and grab my handgun, aiming for the freak's head.

"I got this!" I call to the others and fire three times, each bullet smacking into the zombie's forehead in sprays of crimson.

A chunk of flesh tears from his head and falls to the floor with a splat. I fire again into the exposed brain and the zombie collapses to the floor, skull split in half from the bullet. I turn to grin at the other two and head over to the body — "Weeuurghh,"

Oh fuck. Two more of them.

You know what? Fuck it. Nostrils flaring with impatience, I growl and stride up to one of the shamblers, this one dressed in a hospital gown. A series of bullets ring out; looks like the other one is being dealt with. Before my target can grab me, I stick the barrel of the shotgun directly under its chin and immediately pull the trigger, stumbling back as a loud shot rings out. The zombie's head explodes in a waterfall of mush and blood as the rest of the body falls to the floor.

It begins to rain droplets of blood from the attack and I back away to refrain it from getting into my eyes or mouth. The zombie's head has been completely obliterated. Just a headless corpse, jugular exposed with flesh and blood spilling out like a river. All that's left of the head is the tongue and eyeballs just rolling around in the puddle of crimson, shining sickeningly.

My stomach lurches.

I tear my gaze away and look to the other zombie — good, the other two took it down. I march ahead a few steps and check the rest of the corridor-like area. It's damp, and the walls drip with beads of water that slide down and pool on the floor. There's a door to the right and a set of stairs to the left but no more walkers, thank god.

I head to the door and try the knob; locked

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I head to the door and try the knob; locked. Scanning the bloodied table and chair next to the door, a familiar object catches my eye. Isn't that another one of those discs that Becca has?

I pick it up from the table and display it to her, eyebrow raised. She brings out the thin, cased disc from her pouch and holds it next to the one I picked up. Her lips part slightly and her eyes widen in curiosity.

"They're exactly the same," she squints her eyes at the casing, "It says MO in the corner..."

I let out a low hum and slip the disc into my hip pouch, "Best to keep an eye out for more in case they're important,"


"C'mon, better check these stairs out," Chris announces and leads us down the wide set of stone steps, pushing open another set of metal gates with his gun poised at the ready.

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