𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟸: 𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍 "𝚂𝚗𝚊𝚔𝚎-𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚛" 𝙰𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚗

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♧︎: just a heads up: to fit the flow of the story, the events recounted later regarding another RE game may seem shorter or different but that's because this is an x reader so I didn't want to lose that theme and trail into writing a book based solely on the games.

24th/25th July 1998:

Alright. I have to find Jill then get to the main hall. Ok, compose yourself (y/n). Chris, Richard and Rebecca are ALIVE which is a definite positive.

God I hope Chris keeps his promise.

Seeing him has definitely calmed me down, but after hearing about Forest, it takes the death count up to 4 so far. No, NOT so far. There won't be anymore, there can't be. Jesus, if I had kept an eye on Joe he'd still be here and if we were 5 minutes earlier we could have saved Kenneth. I shake my head and blow out a breath. Losing my cool is NOT an option.

I think back to the last time I saw Jospeh alive and remember that he smiled; it was a little shaky but still something good; still a smile.

I don't know how to feel. It's as though this place won't let me grieve. Every second that passes could mark the death of another friend. It's a choice. If sit here and bawl my eyes out then I'll just waste time, but if I carry on as if everything is fine and we're on a fucking school trip then it feels like I'm insulting the ones who are gone; and I still can't believe Brad left.

I hit myself in the head and pant out in rugged breaths; I always did that as a kid. If I emotionally wanted to cry but physically didn't, then I would let my eyes sting and breathe out all the overwhelming feelings. God, I'm being pathetic. I'll just have to think about all of this when it's over. My mission is to find Jill then group together — not to panic.

Getting my mind back on track, I head upstairs in the eerie silence. I really hate being alone and right now, I hate the dark too. Well, not the dark per say, but what's in the dark. It's just so much more terrifying being in a place like this when there's nobody with you.

I turn left on the landing and pace down the hallway, Jill might have explored here and even if she hasn't, it's worth a try. There are only two doors here; I try the first but it doesn't budge, typical.

Wait. I don't see an emblem so maybe the lockpick could work...? Shit, Jill has it and I'm sure she would've opened it if she came this way, but then again, if she was on the landing then I would have heard her footsteps since I was in the room below. I run a hand through my hair and purse my lips, hoping there's nothing too important in there. 

I move and try the next door. To my surprise, the door opens with a creak and I'm met with a small turret of green: herbs. Good, more healing items. I pocket the plants and quickly scan the room.

It's a small area; and the dark, chalky fireplace stands ominously, as if it's not meant to be there. I stare at it for a few seconds then get the lighter from my back pocket. Crouching down by the fire grate, I flick open the lid and set fire to the coals. A flame erupts high into the bricks before settling and filling its surroundings with warmth. I shake the lighter and sigh — empty. Guess that was the last of the oil.

A faint vomit smell wafts throughout the room and my nose crinkles defensively. There's a collection of chipped glasses and vintage wine bottles above the fireplace. One of the bottles is open which must be the cause of the unpleasant smell. Only one lamp hangs eerily on the wall and emits that familiar ghostly glow, basking the room in yellow.

There's only one door in here with an unfamiliar engraving on it. It looks like...a helmet? I've only got a sword key which is no good. I'll just have to hope that one of the others has a key. There's no point being in here any longer so I swiftly exit the room and remember the locked door.

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