𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺: 𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 "𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙶𝚘𝚍" 𝙱𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚘𝚗

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♧︎: there is music talk ahead so feel free to replace my preferred bands with yours instead!

15th October 1996:

I thought I wouldn't be feeling nervous for this but looks like I was sorely mistaken. Most of these guys are ex-military, right? What if they think I'm loud? Or annoying? Or bitchy? Ugh, my stomach keeps churning and I feel cold for some reason. This morning went by too fast; I got up, had a shower, sorted myself out and then wolfed down breakfast, all of a sudden it was time to go. Good thing I chose today to be a morning person.

Anyway, I'm stood outside the S.T.A.R.S office and it's 9: 55 but I'm questioning whether I should go in or not? Maybe I'll go in and just pray that Captain Wesker's there. I'd hate to be first in but I'd also hate to be last. On the other hand, I hate waiting. Screw it — I'll go in.

I inhale sharply and turn the handle, no turning back now. Without hesitation, I step inside and look around - empty. Guess I'm fir—

— "Ah, (y/n) I wondered when you were going to arrive," Looks like I made the right choice to come in then.

"Uh hey Captain Wesker, when do the other members arrive?"

I ask this since I'm planning to maybe stick with Richard. I learned quite a few social skills at cadets which was handy, but, I can be shy depending on what the other person's like. Honestly, I prefer other people starting conversations with me unless I really want to get to know them.

My heart starts to beat fast but I manage to keep my cool.

"Any minute now," Wesker checks his watch and makes his way over to me, "I'm sure you'll be fine, they wouldn't stop talking about you when they saw your report yesterday." He gives me a reassuring pat on the shoulder and heads over to a coffee machine in the corner of the room.

I lean against the window of Wesker's office and just wait; tapping my foot in anticipation.

The door opens — about time too.

Richard is the first to arrive along with Brad, Joseph and two other guys.

"Hey Richard, hey Brad and Joseph," I wave and give them a smile.

Richards runs over to me and gives me a great big hug — just like before. I guess there's just something about him and hugs but I return the gesture anyway. Truth be told, he's actually quite good at them. Brad flashes a smile and Joseph gives me a wink. I wink back which takes him by surprise and he grins. The two guys I don't recognise walk over to me and start to introduce themselves:

"How's it going, I'm Kenneth Sullivan," A broad guy with dark skin and a small beard talks first. He has a surprisingly gentle voice and seems very calm, "we've all been excited to see you especially since looking at your report - and we don't normally get excited."

"Likewise Kenneth, I'll admit I was a bit intimidated when I heard about the team being full of army veterans and elites."

"To be honest it's us who should be intimidated by you, you seem like a force to be reckoned with," A tall man with blonde hair and tanned skin cuts in, "Name's Edward Dewey by the way. "

"I'm getting all the guys today it seems, but it's great to meet you — really," So far so good. "Oh and about me being a force, you got that damn right, Dewey."

Edward throws his head back then laughs a nice laugh and ruffles my hair. I can tell we're gonna get on.

"Haha, I like you kid, you're sharp,"

The door opens again and Jill, a guy with long hair that's been slightly slicked back and a broad man suiting a moustache are the next ones to walk in.

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