𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽: 𝚁𝚎𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚌𝚊 "𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚊 𝙺𝚒𝚍" 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚜

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22nd July 1997:

Arms. Strong arms. I think they're arms. I hope they're arms. But whose arms? The last thing I remember is throwing a grenade. God, Thinking hurts like hell. My head feels like it's going split open and the voices don't help. They're shouting but it doesn't drown out the constant ringing in my ears. I feel like I'm in an action movie; if only this was in slow motion. I touch my face. It feels gritty and dirty. The majority of the grit is probably dried blood by now.

I'm trying to move my head to see who it is but that hurts as well. All I manage to see is well, just a face but I can make out light hair and the man's face is dark with soot. I think it's Wesker but I have no clue. I crane my neck to forward and see Barry shouting at something ahead in a shocked state. I feel arms cover my face and hear an explosion. The arms shield me from the noise but it's doesn't block it out completely.

"Just hold on a little longer for me, ok?" The voice above me says.

"Captain Wesker we have to get her to safety now!" The voice is a little muffled but it sounds like Jill's.

"I'll take her to the R.P.D and get medics on the case!" I rock slightly as Wesker begins to sprint. I'll end up falling out of his arms at his rate. Ugh, I feel like a goddamn ragdoll right now. I can't do anything and it's bugging me.

"Enrico! Call in reinforcements!" Although he's trying his best, Al's shouting is making me wince with pain.

I hear and feel him kick a door open and there's an explosion of noise that makes me feel as though I'm gonna throw up. The arms gently place me down on a table and I hear Al telling people to remain calm quiet.

My head fills with fuzzy orange spots and I'm tired. So tired. My eyes droop and my mind begins to drift off, again.


Instead of arms, this time I feel hands on me, poking and prodding. Too gentle to be a guy but way too small to be Jill's. I feel cool and it's quiet. Not like earlier.


Shit, I must have fainted or something. What happened while I was gone? I crack my eyes open lazily and see a face I don't recognize. This makes me eyes completely open and connect light blue ones. Does everyone have blue eyes around here? She looks around my age. Maybe even younger. There's a look of intense concentration on her face that gives me the chance to see her clearly. Across her forehead and just beneath her fringe, there's a red headband that I'm guessing is tied back behind her head. The girl has short brown hair and she's wearing startlingly normal clothes. Just a green T-shirt and jeans I think.

"Hello?" Her voice sounds young but reassuring in a way.

"Um yeah?" My throat feels like a desert and I can hardly talk.


I need water.

As if she read my mind, the girl raises a cup to my lips so I can drink easily. God, that feels so good. It's ice cold as well. Even better. The liquid fills in the cracks that line my throat in a soothing manner and I feel significantly better.

"How are you feeling?" The girl asks me with a gentle tone.

"Better — thanks. No offense but who are you?"

"Oh, my name's Rebecca Chambers,"

Rebecca. Rebecca. Oh!

"Aren't you the rookie? I thought you didn't start 'till next year?"

"I came over to Raccoon City for my trial but then I heard that there had been some sort of occurence and that someone was hurt inside the R.P.D so I came over. A man with sunglasses told me to help you. He said he knew I could."

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