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!!!: mentions of negative mental health and pills!

25th July 1998:
Emergency emergency. The self-destruct system has been activated. All personnel must evacuate immediately."

Something within Wesker awakens, sending a spasm of shock throughout his body. His fingers claw against the cold, wet floor of the lab and he gasps, breathing in deeply; he's alive. Seems like the virus sample Birkin created for him had worked.

With a gulp, he rises to his feet and places a hand against his chest. The hole has healed — blood-stained and tender, but completely healed over. Wesker picks up his sunglasses and props them back onto his face, his eyes feeling more sensitive than usual. Something strong and hot surges through his veins — power. He's stronger and he can feel it. The muscles in his forearms twinge excitedly and he drives his fist into the wall next to him — it caves in; deep. He didn't even have to try. Wesker smirks; this new-found power will definitely come in handy. He stares around the lab and gets a sudden flashback of the prior events.

The tyrant's completely gone. (y/n) and the others must've handled it.

To Wesker, that creature didn't matter anymore. In fact, he should be thanking it for killing him and awakening his new, fulfilled self.

He thinks back to (y/n) with a slight twinge of annoyance. He shouldn't have let her get away — he should've kept her. Of course Redfield would have something to say about that with those heart eyes of his, following (y/n) around like a puppy dog. Getting distracted was a foolish mistake. Wesker grunts. At least he managed to inject her with the sample.

He doesn't know why she made such a fuss. All it will do is halt the ageing genes within her for the next two years, then, Wesker can find her and inject her with another dosage. To him, (y/n) is the perfect candidate for being his aid, his "partner" if you will, the only one suitable for a new world. She's young, agile, determined with advanced combat skills and well, there's just always been something so intriguing about her to Wesker. Something that sets a fire within his stomach and licks up into his heart, something he can't quite describe. He must see her again.

Enough thought for now. If he doesn't get a move on and grab Umbrella's data then he'll blow up along with the rest of this place. Wesker walks briskly over the main computer and places his fingers in the appropriate places, preparing himself to steal the data.

19th August 1998
Irons knew all along.
Chief fucking Irons. In Umbrella's pocket this whole time, being slipped a pay-check by William Birkin once a month. No wonder he refused to take action when we came back from the mansion. He stated that since all evidence was destroyed in the explosion, our claims can't be proved true and that Umbrella are "innocent until proven guilty".

The S.T.A.R.S. are a joke now. A laughing stock. We've been branded crazy and attention-seeking; even the ones that are gone. We were shut down a few weeks ago by Irons and ever since then he's been keeping a close eye on us all. Luckily for us, his piggy eyes aren't enough. Chris, Jill, Barry, Rebecca, Brad and I have been conducting research 24/7 in order to figure out what's going on with Umbrella. I got a hold of some old documents revealing that they have a history with experimentation dating back to the 60s. Chris found evidence confirming the creation of the G-Virus and Irons' involvement.

We started our investigation before we were disbanded but Umbrella didn't like that, not one bit. What stung the most was Brad siding with Irons when he gave the orders for us to split. Hasn't Brad done enough? Jesus, who am I kidding. The guy's scared. Of course he is. All of our lives are on the line. We're so close to being suspended; all of us.

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