𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟸.𝟻: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 "𝙼𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚘𝚝-𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍" 𝙻𝚊𝚋𝚜 - 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸

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(Yup it's another part 2 chapter shhhh)

25th July 1998:

"Wesker..." Chris growls softly, "Albert fucking Wesker,"

I stand, frozen to the spot, looking up at the screen, gaze trapped on the image of my captain. It was Al. All of it was him...

I don't even want to call him that anymore. No. He's just Wesker. And it was Wesker who led us here in the first place when the dogs attacked. He...he must have planned this from the start. Cool, competent, unreadable Wesker, working for Umbrella...

My vision starts to blur, everything's fuzzing...I can't...I can't see. I lean forward against the screen, forehead pressed against the various pixels that make up Al. No! Wesker. Wesker.

"(y/n)? What's going on, are you ok?"

Agh. I feel sick. I just can't believe...our captain? Our captain who we've trusted for nearly 3 FUCKING YEARS! I press my hands flat against the screen, feeling the cold wall behind it and purse my lips. A strong pair of hands gently hold my shoulders and turn me around so that I face Chris.

"Chris, I can't believe..."

His eyes are angry. Of course they are. But his words come out in a gentle, yet firm tone as he holds onto my shoulders, bending his head slightly so our faces are equal.

"I know. I'm as pissed and shocked as you are. Look, I'm guessing he's down here, in the labs. We have to find him and stop him from getting to the others. If Umbrella sent him then he won't hesitate to take us out,"

"But that means...." I think back to Enrico, "He's the double crosser that killed Rico!" I clench my fists, words trembling with anger as Chris bows his head and backs away.

"Yeah, I thought whoever did it was a good shot," Chris rubs his temples and stands to the side, eyes clamped shut as if in pain.

Oh god. I-I still can't believe this. We saw him nearly an hour ago! I hugged him! I hugged the man who killed Enrico — who killed my friends. The sickness in my stomach burns, intensified with rage and disgust. Kevin, Joseph, Kenneth, Forest, Edward, Richard, Enrico...They're all dead because of him. He sent us here. Umbrella sent us here. Now it makes sense why all those S.T.A.R.S articles were in the guardhouse.

Taking deep breaths in order to quell my anger, I stride over to Chris and hold him by his cheeks. We can't afford to lose our cool now.

"Chris. We have to stay calm about this. We know he's the traitor now and we can warn the others. If they're not down here then great, they're not in danger of him, but for now we have to keep going so we can get outta here and expose Umbrella," Not breaking eye contact, I retain my grip on either side of his face, palms running against the light stubble and clenched muscles of his jaw.

Chris sighs, quiet and low. He swallows and brushes his head against mine before standing up straight.

"You're right. Let's go get Rebecca so we can find that son of a bitch and get the heck out of here,"

I nod, lip twitching into a small smile. We maintain eye contact until something flickers in the corner of my eye. I turn to look at the projector screen. Oh shit, I didn't notice there was a last page...

It's just a barcode but there are only four numbers along the bottom line. Surely there should be a whole row of them? Unless...unless that's what the filter was for! It's a code! Perhaps for the keypad...?

I walk over to the locked door, fingers hovering above the keypad. Chris shoots me a puzzled look then looks back at the screen.

"Chris, read out the numbers for me,"

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