Are you sick and tired of participating in awards that take far too long to complete? Or awards that end up getting cancelled halfway? Are you looking for an award that actually provides you with feedback on how you can improve, rather than...
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It gives me great pleasure to announce the winners for this month! But, before we dive straight in, I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone for their patience. And, of course, a special thank you to our judges - and we had a total of seven judges. I think we might have actually broken some sort of Wattpad record - we had seven judges, and two more judges who were willing to judge in case one of the seven dropped out. How inctredible is that? Thank you to everyone who volunteered to judge! We would love to see everyone return, as either participant or judge - either way, we would be thrilled to have you again.
Buttertech- Thank you so much for being incredibly prompt, but also very fair with your scoring. You stepped out of your comfort zone to judge some of these stories, and words cannot express how much I appreciate your commitment and diligence.
GryffindorsLoneWolf - I cannot express how thrilled I was to see you return as a judge! You not only offered to judge, but you offered to judge more books than I thought anyone would ever agree to, and you submitted it all well before time with incredible and thorough feedback. Thank you so much - you are truly fantastic.
mistress_me - Thank you so much for judging for us this month! You were very communicative, which is something I really, really appreciate. You've been very thorough with scores, breaking down each bit of the criteria, which is simply brilliant! Thank you so much!
pluviophile_bookworm - I know how incredibly busy you are, so I was so thrilled and honoured when I saw you sign up to be a judge. Your judging was as fantastic as your reviewing is, and your feedback and dedication was amazing. Thank you so much - I am so grateful to have you as one of our reviewers.
Rosie_Posie1 - A dear friend and a fantastic judge! Despite being so incredibly busy, you still pitched in and offered to judge. Along with this, you handed in the scores well before they were due, you kept them detailed and fair, and you were excellent at keeping the communication lines open. Thank you so much!
the_bibliophile101 - Thank you so much for judging for us! Your feedback was thorough, and you were honest and kind throughout the entire process. It was such a pleasure to have you on the team for this month, and we would love to see you again sometime!
_WishUpon_- You are simply brilliant. Not only did you judge promptly, but your feedback was incredibly detailed and thorough. Better yet, you didn't just give 75 words of feedback, but you broke down each criteria and justified your score for each one. You are an absolute champion, and thank you so much for judging for us.