Wow. What a crazy month to take a break in, as well as a crazy time. I think that may have been the most ambitious thing I have ever done.
But, my goodness, my judges have been fantastic this month. We had a record number this time -- ten in total. Every one of them -- I repeat: every single one of them -- handed in their scores before I arrived. They made my job so much easier, and I cannot thank them enough. So I'll thank them to the best of my abilities:
ashy_asher - I understand how difficult it can be to judge for awards, especially in this holiday season and when you've already got other roles in the community. And yet, you still handed in scores, and kept me notified with your progress. Thank you so much for that, and I wish you all the best for the new year!
awesomeSTG - Every time you let me know that you're procrastinating yet again, I don't even stress in the slightest. You never fail me. You always hand in scores, you always give detailed feedback and fair scores, and you always lend a hand when you know I need one. Thank you so much for being a fantastic judge and, above all, a fantastic friend.
Devious_chicken - First of all, I love the username to pieces. Secondly, thank you for being a great judge! We always have those few judges that go above and beyond with their feedback, and it was so nice to see another one! I appreciate the time taken to write up the feedback, and presenting it in such an engaging way, too? Fantastic. Thank you so much!
EroseGrose - You are certainly a speedy one, and it was so reassuring to get that ping in my inbox with your scores literally two days after assigning them. Thank you so much for your incredibly hard work and your kind words, as well as your incredibly detailed and professional feedback. You were an absolutely fabulous judge, and I wish you the best for the new year!
GnomeMercy - I don't know what power made you first find this community, but I am eternally grateful to have you as part of this community. You are such a kind soul, always seeking to help others out, and you are a very gifted writer and judge as well. Once again, I have no idea how you found me and this profile, but I feel so blessed that you did you because you are an angel. Thank you so much.
GryffindorsLoneWolf - My star judge. What is this -- your tenth month judging? We need to count the number of books you've judged in total, but I think that if we did a total, you've easily spent more than 24+ hours alone judging for these awards. That's... wow. Your support, your commitment, your kind words, your friendship -- all of it means the world to me. Thank you so much for everything!
The Monthly Gemstone Awards 2019 || CLOSED
RandomCLOSED. Are you sick and tired of participating in awards that take far too long to complete? Or awards that end up getting cancelled halfway? Are you looking for an award that actually provides you with feedback on how you can improve, rather than...