Are you sick and tired of participating in awards that take far too long to complete? Or awards that end up getting cancelled halfway? Are you looking for an award that actually provides you with feedback on how you can improve, rather than...
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Wow - what a fabulous month! Honestly, I had been a bit worried - I didn't think we'd get many entries for this theme. But everyone proved me wrong! We had more entries than we have ever had before, with a bigger shortlist, too! The stories were of INCREDIBLE quality, and as I was double-checking the scores, I found that there were lots of stories that were only a point or even half-a-point away from each other! Well done to everyone!
And, of course, a MASSIVE thank you must go to the judges. Without them, these awards would be nothing.
awesomeSTG - You are a Godsend. No matter how much you stress over being late, you always manage to submit scores well before time, and your feedback is so intricate and detailed that it's almost as if you're writing full reviews for each story you judge! Thank you so much for your hard work, determination, and friendship.
EmberShy - It was so nice having you come back as a judge! As always, you were quick and hard-working, and a very positive person to work with. Thank you for coming back to us - nothing makes me more happy than seeing people come back (surely, you must be sick of me by now!).
GryffindorsLoneWolf - Oh my goodness. You are an actual blessing. I have no idea what I would do without you, your detailed judging, and your determination to get things done on time. I even gave you more books than you had asked for, and you still submitted it all before it was due, and you didn't once complain. You have an excellent work ethic, and I am so grateful to have you on the team.
olivia_paigex - It's the first time you've judged for us, and I am so glad you did! Even though you were so busy, you asked for more books than I thought anyone would ever ask for, and you submitted it all in time with a great amount of detail within the feedback. I was supremely impressed by your incredible work - thank you so much!
the_bibliophile101 - Thank you so much for coming back and judging for us! Your feedback is always so intricate and detailed, and honestly, I could not have asked for anything more. I am always so honoured to have you back on the team, so thank you so much!
And now, onto our results!
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