Are you sick and tired of participating in awards that take far too long to complete? Or awards that end up getting cancelled halfway? Are you looking for an award that actually provides you with feedback on how you can improve, rather than...
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You know what's really funny? This book, The Monthly Gemstone Awards, is eligible for The Wattys. Should we enter?
Anyways, jokes aside, we had another great month! While we didn't have as many entries as the previous few months, I was very pleased to see works of incredible quality, as well as some very dedicated and hardworking judges:
Buttertech- It was so nice having you back! I'm glad we could find books that you felt comfortable judging, and obviously, it seems like water is right up your alley! Thank you for being so quick with your judging, but also producing feedback of quality. Thank you so much!
GryffindorsLoneWolf - Look who it is! Our star judge! You, yourself, deserve some sort of award. You've judged for a third of the year for us - that's incredible! You're always so hard-working and give such incredible feedback. I have no idea what I would do without you. Thank you so much!
Marykhah77- Thank you so much for judging for us this month! You handled the task like a champion, and didn't mind it when I very occasionally spammed you with questions. Thank you for being very receptive, and I really, really appreciate your hard work!
lionobsession- It's always such a pleasure to have previous winners return as judges! Thank you so much for volunteering to judge for us - your judging was detailed and fair, and I really appreciate the effort and quality that went into them. Thank you so much!
IzzBizz747 - Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to, not only review for us, but also to judge for us! You always kept to your word, and your judging itself is always very constructive and fair. It's so nice to have you as part of the community! Thank you!
EmpressAri - Two times in a row, I think! Thank you so much for judging for us again - I really, really appreciate it. You even offered to judge more, if it came to it, which was incredibly kind of you. Thank you so much for your hard work!
NDeMeer - I was so incredibly impressed by your judging! Despite your already busy schedule, you volunteered to judge, and you got it all done well before the deadline. Along with that, your judging itself was wonderfully detailed! It's what every host dreams for, to be absolutely honest. Thank you so much!
SamMacyLove - I cannot believe you volunteered to judge nine books! That has to be some sort of record. While it didn't come down to that, I really appreciate your commitment and the effort you put into your scores and feedback. It's so nice to have you as part of the team, and thank you so much for everything!