Are you sick and tired of participating in awards that take far too long to complete? Or awards that end up getting cancelled halfway? Are you looking for an award that actually provides you with feedback on how you can improve, rather than...
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Wow - what a month! We have had more participants than ever before, and the quality of the stories have been incredibly high. Similar to last month, most stories were only a point away from the next, and to my relief, most judges gave almost identical scores to each story. And yes, that's right - we had two judges per each story. We took the average of the judge's scores.
Speaking of judges, this contest simply wouldn't be a thing without them! So, a HUGE thank you goes to our wonderful judges:
EmberShy- You are always such a joy to work with! Your judging is fair, your criticisms are kind but constructive, and you never back down from your word. Thank you so much for judging for us yet again! It's always such an honour to have you come back.
EmpressAri - It was our first time having you judge for this contest, and boy, am I glad you did. You were so quick with your scores, and even though I made you re-judge due to the intricate criteria, you handled it like a champion and submitted scores well before time. Thank you so much! Your dedication means the world to me.
FawnIAtlas - I literally have no words to describe how tremendously grateful I am for you. Honestly. You currently hold the record of the most books judged for these awards, and considering the short turn-around time, that's no small feat. Not only that, but your feedback was so thorough that, well, I consider myself very lucky to have accepted you as a judge. Thank you so, so much.
GryffindorsLoneWolf- Oh, man, Lone Wolf. How many months have we gone through this together? I think this might just be your third continuous month judging for us. Thank you so much for that! I always get so excited when you submit that judge form, because I know the stories are in especially good hands. Despite the busy nature of this month for you, you still submitted scores way before the deadline with incredibly feedback. Thank you so much! You are an absolute angel.
IzzBizz747 - Thank you so much for judging for the contest! We know how busy life gets, so we truly do appreciate your dedication and hard work. It's also very exciting recruiting you as a reviewer, so I look forward to working with you for more months to come!
And now, time for the results!
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