Are you sick and tired of participating in awards that take far too long to complete? Or awards that end up getting cancelled halfway? Are you looking for an award that actually provides you with feedback on how you can improve, rather than...
Unfortunately, these awards are now officially closed. However, before you burst into tears and run off to find another awards to participate in, hear me out!
If you are looking for an open awards, check out "The Monthly Gemstone Awards 2020", as we are open for the year! While the awards are slightly different to these ones, they are run very similarly with the same host and some fabulous themes. I recommend checking it out! I'll post the link as an in-line comment here. If I forget to do that, that previous sentence makes me look very dumb.
Next, while you can't enter these awards, the next few chapters contain all the winners of 2019 -- about 40 of them. And, along with that, there are over 100 shortlisted books that were also incredible to read. If you are looking for a good story to read, then be sure to scroll through the pages, because both the shortlisted books and the winner books were very, very good.
For your convenience, I've listed the months and their themes below. That way, if there is a certain theme that tickles your fancy, you can instantly go to the chapter designated to that month and theme.
If you are particularly interested in the winning stories, you can also check out our profile page, as we have reading lists designated to winners and runners-up.
Also, a quick shout-out to kayjaytailor for designing the cover of these awards!
Without further ado, here are the months and their themes:
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